{IX} • Memories

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(Omg guys! Thank you so much for the 100 reads! I never had this much reads! LOL! I hope you still enjoy this story as much as I do! There will be some Major activities I'm working on! The next two chapters will be great! I promise! I won't keep you from reading anymore. lol! Be sure to comment your thoughts and vote! Love ya! <3)


Jungkook's P.O.V:

I opened the front door. "Taehyung-ah I'm back!" I yell. I got no response. I walked upstairs and opened the door of his room. It was empty. I got my phone and tried tracking him. He had turned off his location. I started to panic. I ran back to the car and called, but he didn't answer. I fastened my seatbelt and started the car. Just as I wanted to call Taehyung another time, Jimin called. I accepted the call. "Jungkook, where are you?!" Jimin yelled. "I'm home. Where is Taehyung?!"

"Jungkook-hyung? Can you hear me?"

I heard a lot of voices on the background mixed with police sirens.

"Yes I can hear you!" I yell

"Jungkook, you have to listen to me! Taehyung got arrested! The party has been interrupted. The police raided and took a few people including Taehyung! Go to the police station!" Jimin yelled and than hung up. I immediatly drove away. Nervousness hit me. I was never so close to the police. It was way too dangerous! Why didn't Taehyung just listen?! Stubborn little goat! I parked in front of the police station and got in. I hid my nervousness. I walked up to the reception. "Hello, I'm here for Taehyung? He was arrested at a party?" I ask. The lady ticked on her keyboard and than gave me a paper. "Fill in your information and his' "

Name: Kim Jihun.

age: 22

blablabla. I filled in the rest of the questions and gave the paper back. She told me to follow her and so I did. She took me to the back and opened a cell. Taehyung walked out. He was so drunk that he was completely unsteady. I swung my arm around Taehyung's torso to steady him. I took him to the car and let him sit in the front seat. "You are in big trouble, Taehyung-ya." I said while buckling up his seatbelt. "Trouble? Me?! No! You're in trouble!" Taehyung said. I got into the drivers seat and started the car. I sighed. "Why am I in trouble? You're the one drunk." Taehyung started talking in Gibberish. I just ignored him.

I parked the car in front of the house and helped Taehyung out of his seat. "Let me go! I can walk myself!" He said. "Fine." I replied and released him. He went into the house immediately. I quickly locked the car and got into the house aswell. At first I didn't see Taehyung, but then I saw him on a kitchen chair. I walked up to him. I took a bottle of water and gave it to him. "Here drink some." I said. Taehyung took the bottle and gave it a look. Then he just tossed it away behind him. I sigh and grab the bottle up. "Come on! Drink some! You're drunk. It'll help." I say but Taehyung just shook his head. I look at my watch and see that it's currently 00:04. "We should go to sleep." I say to Taehyung. "No! I don't want to go to sleep!" Taehyung yelled at once. It felt like my eardrums had burst from the sudden sound.

(Not really)

"Fine! Then don't!"  I yell back. Taehyung looked at me and then ran to his room. I let myself fall on the couch and sigh once again. I closed my eyes for a second but immediately opened them as I heard Taehyung walking down the stairs. I get up while he got out of the house. I ran after him. Taehyung was running up the street. He had his backpack on his back. "Taehyung-ah stop!" I yell. I catch up with him and grab his arm. "Where are you going?!" I ask. Taehyung turns around and throws his backpack towards my head. I quickly dodge and look at Taehyung with open mouth. "Did you just threw your backpack at me?!" I ask madly. "You saw what I just did!" Taehyung said. "Where are you even going?!" 

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