{XXXVIII} • Training

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(Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I've officially changed the name of this story to: Fragrance of Indignation. I hope you kinda understand why... If not, let me know in the comments and I'll explain it at the end of the story! I have some juicy details and fun facts to tell you guys about this story and what went on through my mind while writing this! LOL. Enjoy! <3 )

Taehyung's P.O.V:

It was getting warmer as the last days of March approached. Jungkook was driving me to school. The radio was set on a low volume. "Your tutor sessions are over, right?" Jungkook asked. I nodded. "I hope so. I hope that I kept up well and don't have to get tutor sessions again." I sigh. Jungkook put his hand on my thigh. "You did well. I emailed mr. Kim that there's been some personal issues going on and that you needed time to think. You tried keeping up with the work." Jungkook said

I wide-eyed looked at Jungkook. "I have mrs. Yung today. Not mr. Kim." I say. "Well, then I'll have to come and tell her herself." Jungkook smirked while parking the car and getting out. "What? Jungkook?!" I ask, but he already slammed the door shut and opened mine. He extended his hand. I slapped it away and got out of the car by myself. "Aish! Stop it! You don't have to come inside." I say while swinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Why shouldn't I come with you? You're my boyfriend." Jungkook said with extra emphasis on 'Boyfriend.' I rolled my eyes. "What does the fact that you're my boyfriend have to do with you coming to school with me?" I ask. Jungkook swung and arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"Everything." He said. "How? Tell me?" I ask clearly annoyed. "Everyone knows I'm a mafia boss, everyone knows you're with me. I can get everything I want. I can get everything you want." Jungkook started. "Look at you being all confident." I smirk. "Rule two of being a mafia boss, always be confident. You'll look like a scared little chicken if you aren't." Jungkook said as we entered the school.

Everyone looked at us. They made way for us. I gulped and tried to make myself invisible. "Tae, confidence. Look up. Enjoy the attention." Jungkook said while raising my chin. We entered the classroom, where mrs. Yung was preparing her stuff. She looked up. She wasn't panicking or anything. "Mr. Jeon, Taehyung. How can I help you?" She asked while returning her gaze on her stuff.

Jungkook was baffled at her reaction. I bet he was thinking about how she wasn't scared of him or something like that. "I came here to tell the reason of Taehyung's absence the last weeks." Jungkook said while walking up to her desk. She finally looked Jungkook up into his eyes. "Taehyung was dealing with some personal issues. He tried keeping up with school by watching YouTube video's and making the homework online." Jungkook explained. "He did?" Mrs. Yung asked.

This was when she looked at me with surprise in her eyes. I nodded. "I hope that I have enough knowledge to graduate this year." I say. Mrs. Yung thought sincerely. "Your case is different and special, Taehyung. The report interviews with the other teachers have already taken place and to our opinion we wanted to make you overdo this year, but if you have caught up with the lessons and don't miss any knowledge, we might redo your report interview." Mrs. Yung said.

I bowed. "Thank you, mrs. Yung." I said. She smiled. Jungkook also bowed slightly. He followed me to my locker. "Kook, why are you following me?" I ask while putting my books into my bag. "Because I can't stop looking at you." He said while smirking. I playfully hit his chest. "How about work?" I ask. "Yeah, yeah, I'll go.." Jungkook said. I chuckled. "No! That's not what I meant, will I work today or did you already find a new secretary?"

"Of course I didn't! Sure, Jin'll pick you up after school. And when we're done with work I'll teach you some more defending techniques." Jungkook said. "Sounds good, can I join?" I hear from behind. I turn around and see a smirking Jimin. Jungkook smirked back. "Sure!" Jungkook said. I chuckled. "Are you serious? Jimin, you can floor anyone with your pinky finger." I say.

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