{XLIX} • Cause of the Phone Call

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(Oeff!! This is such a long chapter. It has so much fluff!! It is officially one of my favourites now!! Lol!! Enjoy it! <3 )

Still Jungkook's P.O.V:

I slammed my phone on the coffee table after hanging up on Hangseon. He was planning on kidnapping Taehyung.

Kidnapping Taehyung to use him against me. To make me give up my position.

I wasn't going to let that happen. Just like I said yesterday in bed with Taehyung. I was going to protect him, no matter what.

"Who was that?" I heard from the top of the stairs. I turn around and look Taehyung in the eyes. "Ehm.. that was Namjoon." I quickly say. Taehyung nodded while yawning and rubbing his eyes.

It is for the best if Taehyung doesn't know about this. He'd only get more uncomfortable in this house. I didn't wish that for him.

Taehyung went to the kitchen and took some yogurt for himself. I ate two toasts with butter and honey.

We went upstairs to change and when we got downstairs, we went to the car.

"You're coming to work after school, right?" I ask. Taehyung nodded. "I'll pick you up today. By the way, Namjoon called. I talked to him about you two." I say.

Taehyung only looked at me. I took that as a sign to continue. "He wants to meet up and get to know you better." I say. Taehyung smiled.

"Okay! When?" He asked. "Thursday." I say, knowing it's one of my most busy days. I didn't want Taehyung to be alone at home.

I parked the car in front of the school and got out. Taehyung confusedly looked at me as he got out for himself and slammed the door shut.

"What are you doing?" He asked. "Come on. I'm going to talk to your principal." I said while swinging an arm around Taehyung's shoulder.

I didn't care that everyone knew I was a mafia boss and that Taehyung was my boyfriend. This way everyone knew he was mine.

"Aish! You're going to make things worse." Taehyung said while trying to push me away. I didn't get away from Taehyung, which made his attempt to push me away fail.

"No. Taehyung, because you're too afraid to go, doesn't mean I'm afraid to stand up for you. Sungho is going too far. I'm not letting him get away with it without punishment." I say firmly.

I pulled Taehyung with me, walking to the entrance. "Jungkook. No, please. Don't!" He begged. "Don't worry, Tae. I'll take care of it." I assure.

Taehyung nervously looked around. He gulped. "Stop acting like a bunny in a lion's den." I say. "Jungkook, I'm begging you. Don't do this!" He pleaded.

He stopped walking, trying to make me slow down, which succeeded. "Tae, why are you so afraid?" I ask. I saw Taehyung's eyes fill with fear. "I just don't want to give Sungho any more reasons to bully me." He said.

"If he gets expelled, which I think he will get, you won't be bullied anymore." I say. I saw Taehyung doubting. "Come, trust me." I say while pulling me with him again.

This time Taehyung didn't resist at all. He was just looking around nervously. We reached the principal's office. I knocked on the door and not even 5 seconds later, the door opened.

"Come in." Mr. Lee said. "Jungkook, I changed my mind." Taehyung whispered after mr. Lee had turned around to walk back into his office. "Too late, come on." I say and push Taehyung inside.

We sat down in front of mr. Lee's desk. "What's the purpose of this conversation?" Mr. Lee asked. I take a glance at Taehyung. He had his head low and looked at his shoes while playing with his fingers rapidly.

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