{X} • Blackmail

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Taehyung's P.O.V:

I wake up from Jungkook, who slightly shook my shoulder. "Mhm!" I say. While turning to the other side. "Come on, you got to go to school!" Jungkook said. "Mhm!" I say again. Jungkook takes the blanket and throws it off of me. "Let's go!" He said while leaving the room. I get up and somehow manage to get downstairs. I sit down and start eating my breakfast. I change and get into the car with Jungkook. "Be careful today. Jin will pick you up today." Jungkook said when he parked in front of school. "Okay." I say and get out of the car. I walk into the school and get my books out of my locker. I couldn't find Jimin, so I decided to walk to the classroom.

Mrs. Yung got up from behind her desk. "Class, may I introduce a new student?" She asked and signed someone to enter the class. Jimin entered the class and said "hi."

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Mrs. Yung asked. Jimin nodded. "Yeah, ehm... I'm Jimin nice to meet you." He said. I looked at him with confusion. "Welcome, Jimin! You can sit next to Taehyung." She said while pointing at my table. Jimin sat down next to me and smiled. "How, what? Why?!" I ask. Jimin smirked. Jungkook. I rolled my eyes. Of course it was Jungkook! Who else would've done it! The lesson slowly came to an end and the bell for the break was heard. Everyone grabbed their books and got out of the classroom. Jimin and I were talking which made us one of the last to leave the classroom. "Taehyung, would you stay for a moment please?" I hear just as I wanted to walk out. I turn around and nod. "You go, Jimin, I'll see you there." I say and than walk to Mrs. Yung her desk.

"Why did you ran away the other day?" She asked. "Ehm... Well, I forgot that I had something very important to do." I say. Mrs. Yung narrowed her eyes. "Well, you mentioned that your cousin, Kim Jihun, is taking care of you now. Is there anything wrong with your father?" She asked. I gulped. Why did she want to know this?! "Ehm, no... My father is on a business trip." I make up. Her eyes went from my face to my collarbone. It was exposed. I quickly cover it with my sweater. "May I meet this Kim Jihun?" She asked at once. "Ehm... Well that depends, he is very busy.." I say. Mrs. Yung nodded slowly. "Do you possibly know when he isn't busy?" She asked. I shake my head. "You may go now." She said. I quickly bow and get out as soon as possible.

I find Jimin on our usual spot in the cafeteria. "Hey! What did she say?" Jimin asked. I sat down and started eating my lunch. "She wanted to know why the signature I returned was different than the one I returned a year ago. So I told her my cousin Kim Jihun is taking care of me. She got suspicious." I say and then take another bite. Jimin smirked. "How did you come up with Kim Jihun?" He asked. "I don't know!" I say. After I've eaten my lunch, I got up and went to my locker. I dumped my books in my backpack and wanted to walk back to Jimin, but saw Jonghyun. He had his back towards me. I grab his wrist and take him to the washrooms. I lock the door and turn around. Jonghyun was standing there with his usual smirk on his face.

"Delete that video!" I say. Jonghyun shook his head. I got desperate. Why did he had to be like this?! "Please delete it!" I beg. "What do you want me to do?" I ask. Jonghyun stepped forward. "Suck me off." He whispered into my ear. I immediately knew what he meant. I pushed him away from me. "What the hell, Jonghyun?!" I yelled. "So that's a no?" He said while taking his phone out of his pocket. My blood was boiling with anger. I stepped forward and slapped Jonghyun's phone out of his hand. It fell on the floor and broke. Jonghyun's smirk faded away and made place for an angry expression. He grabbed the collar of my sweater and slammed me against the wall. "Who the hell do you think you are?! I am higher that you. You're nothing! You should obey my demands!" He hissed. "I should not! I am not your slave!" I say. Jonghyun was becoming red of anger. I think he wasn't quite familiar with someone that spoke against him.

He slapped me on my cheek. I grabbed to the spot but he took my hand, only to throw me to the ground. I fell and the air was pushed out of my lungs. I inhaled. At once there was a knock to be heard. "Taehyung-ah! Are you in here?!" I heard Jimin say. "Help!" I manage to say, but Jonghyun kicked me in my stomach. I heard Jimin trying to get in. I curled up in a ball while my eyes became wet. He kicked me once more and then he stopped. I thought it was over. I revealed my head, which I had been protecting with my arms, and tried to get up. Jonghyun put his foot on my head and pushed me to the ground with it. A sob escaped my mouth. "You're lucky now that you've killed my phone. Next time, when you refuse to do as I say, I'll do much worse things to you." He said while picking up his phone and left the room. A single tear rolled down my cheek while Jimin ran up to me. "Tae... I'm so sorry." He said. I wiped the tear away. "It's okay, hyung." I said. "Imma kill that guy!" Jimin said revengefully. "Do what you want, but he won't stop. It'll just worsen everything." Jimin and I returned to the class. I knew that Jimin was worried, but I ignored it. We sat down. As Mr. Kim started the class.

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