{XI} • A New Friend

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It had been three days since Jimin and Taehyung made up. It's Friday and December arrived. Taehyung had been practicing his fighting skills with Jungkook. Slowly but certainly, the sun rose as the frozen condensation started melting into little drops of water onto the grass and trees.

Taehyung's P.O.V:

I woke up from Jungkook's touch on my shoulder followed by his voice. "Wake up." Even though it was a nice day, I did not want to wake up. Jungkook left the room assuming that I would come down in a few minutes. But, boy! He was wrong. I turned around and pulled the blanket over my ears. I enjoyed the warmth under the blanket. I finally started dosing off, but Jungkook had returned and pulled the blanket off of me. He took my pillow and hit me with it. "Do you have to!?" I ask annoyedly while desperately trying to hijack the blanket. "Yes! Now hurry! You only have 30 minutes left!" Jungkook gave me another hit of the pillow before leaving the room again. I sighed deeply and left my bed. I quickly change and then stumble down the stairs. I eat my breakfast and after I had put my plate in the dishwasher, Jungkook walked down the stairs.

"Jin will pick you up!" Jungkook said. "Bye!" I answer and slam the door shut. I walk into the school and get my needed books from my locker. I met up with Jimin and we walked to class together. Jonghyun bumped his shoulder into mine as he caught up with us. I look at him angrily, but Jimin shook his head. "Ignore him." He said. I just nodded. We got into the classroom and to our horror, the tables were set apart, which basically screams: "TEST!" Jimin and I looked each other in the eyes, immediately knowing what we meant. We sat down on our usual spot as mrs. Yung entered the room. "Welcome class! We have made an unexpected test." She said as she started passing the tests out. I wrote my name and class on the paper and then looked at the first question. Panic hit my body. Did I even learn this?! I looked to my left and saw Jimin writing like crazy. I tic with my pen on the table. Jimin looks up. I sign 1 to Jimin and he pushes his paper slightly to the right corner and pretends that he's thinking so mrs. Yung wouldn't notice anything. I quickly copy the answer but in my own words and nod as a thank you. Jimin smiles. That's how we helped each other during the test.

*Final bell rings*

Jimin and I walked out of the classroom. We dumped our books into our lockers. "Did you know that there's this market with all kinds of nice things downtown?" Jimin said. I looked up. "Really? Wanna check it out?" I asked. Jimin cocked his eyebrow. "Don't you need to ask Jungkook first?" Jimin asked in confusion. "Yes, practically, I do, but today Jin's picking me up. I'm sure he'll agree. It won't be long!" I say. "Okay!" Jimin said. We walked to Jin's car. Jin greeted us. "Jin, can we stop by at the city centre? There's this market. It'll be very quick." Jin hesitated. "Ehh... I don't know..." Jin said. "Please?" I beg. "Okay, but not a word to Jungkook about this!" Jin said. Jimin and I quickly nod. Jin started the car and drove away.

"Fifteen minutes." Jin said. Jimin and I agreed and started exploring the market. We came across all kinds of stalls. Some with jewellery, stones, clothes or just promotion for their business. At once I felt something jumping up to my leg. I quickly turn and look down. There was this black and tan puppy. I picked it up and it started licking my face. I smile as I hold it away from my face. I look at his collar and see that the dog comes from the shelter. The shelter was twice a year doing this action where they try to sell as many dogs as possible to give them a chance for a nice home. "Hey, Jimin-hyung. Did you see a stall from the shelter?" I ask while still looking at the adorable dog. I get no response. "Jimin?" I ask as I averted my eyes from the puppy. I looked around and didn't see Jimin. We must've been separated by the crowds. I take my phone and call Jimin. "Taehyung-ah! Where are you?!" He asked. I look around again. "Near some stall with candy." I say. "Okay come to the big pole! It's in the centre of the market." Jimin said. "Okay, I'll be there soon." I say and hang up. I look up and see the pole Jimin was talking of. I start walking with the puppy in my arms.

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