{XXIV} • The Chasing

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We spent until 2 a.m at Jungkook's office. We looked at the footage and we sorted Jungkook's papers. We helped him putting everything back in place. "Wait, that guard who let that guy in, he must've known!" I realise. Jungkook agreed.

"Guys I have a plan." Hoseok said. We all turned around.

"He only took one paper right? So he'll probably come back for the other papers. We copy the other papers and put the invalid ones back in their place. Yoongi, you place all of your camera's in every possible corner of this room and when the thief comes, we have clearer footage of him. And when he tries to escape, we'll have his car disabled so he can't drive away." Hoseok explained.

"That may work, but we can't tell anyone except Jin and Jimin, since we don't know which guards are involved. Just act like we don't know of anything." Jungkook said. Everyone nodded. "Come help me with the camera's, Taehyung." Yoongi said. I nodded and followed him into the hallway. "You asked what kind of camera's I use, right?" He asked.

We walked over to an outlet. Yoongi took a power plug out of the outlet and showed it to me. "Try to find the camera." I looked at him. "You're telling me you have some kind of super spy equipment?" I say. Yoongi smirked.

Gosh, if I wouldn't know they were mafia, I would definitely think they would be international super spies!

Yoongi took a box out of a drawer from his workplace and walked back to Jungkook's office. "We've got the camera's." He announced. I plugged the power plug into an outlet, while Jungkook looked at a pen. "This is a camera too?" He asked. Yoongi nodded. "Look at the clip." He said.

Jungkook turned the pen around and looked closely at the clip. You could see a minuscule black dot. Jungkook put the pen into his pen tray. Yoongi installed a camera into the smoke alarm and Hoseok put a clock-camera onto Jungkook's desk.

We put some more camera's in the hallways and the elevator and yoongi went on a last round to connect them to his program. I sat down on Jungkook's chair. Jungkook looked at me. "I told you not to worry. See everything will be just fine!" I say. Jungkook bent over and asked: "oh yeah? Who's gonna be on watch on the roof for the black rent-a-car?" Only 2 inches away from my face.

"Give me a liter or 3 of caramel macchiato from starbucks and I'll gladly do so." I say while tapping Jungkook's chin. He came closer and wanted to kiss me, but Namjoon scraped his throat. We quickly jump up.

Hoseok was smiling widely while Namjoon gave us a glare with a raised eyebrow. I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck. Yoongi returned and sat down on the sofa.

"Alright, we're done for today. I'm going home." He stated. "Hoseok and I will take the first guard. We'll be on the rooftop until 8 a.m. We'll call you when your duty starts." Namjoon said. I nodded and Jungkook agreed and thanked him.

We walked out into the elevator with Yoongi. There was an ear piercing silence in the elevator. We reached the ground floor and the doors opened. "You two are cute together." Yoongi said and quickly made his way out of the building.

I did not know how to react to him, but Jungkook laughed. We got into his car and Jungkook drove us home. I almost couldn't keep my eyes open and went to our room in one straight line. Jungkook did the same. He sighed as he set an alarm at 7:30.

"You won't have to go to school tomorrow." Jungkook said. I was too tired to reply, but on the inside, I was partying from happiness. Now I wouldn't have to see Jonghyun!

I lied down in bed and Jungkook swung his arms around me, pulled me close to him and rested his head on my shoulder. I smiled and fell asleep with a nice and happy feeling. I felt comfortable and couldn't wait to close my eyes. I heard Jungkook snoring softly and that made me feel even more sleepy. My unconsciousness took over and I soon enough fell asleep.

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