{I} • The Uninvited Guest

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(This part may be boring, but it represents Taehyung's normal days with his father. You will see change of how a normal day with Jungkook will be. But this is just to give you the idea of how Taehyung's perspective on a normal day is. Just keep reading! The end will be more promising! I promise!)

Taehyung's P.O.V

*School bell rings*

I sighed. School was beginning. I slammed my locker shut and made my way through the hallways, which were full of students. I walked into the classroom and sat down behind a desk. 

The classroom was already filled with students that talked, threw paper balls at each other or just looked forward in silence. And so did I. I just looked at the wood of my desk while zoning out in silence.

"Welcome, class! I just checked your tests." mrs. Jung said as she walked into the classroom, holding onto a pile of papers. She started passing out the made tests. She came to my desk and I looked up. Her eyes showed compassion. 

"I'm sorry Taehyung, I need your parents' signature since you're failing this class." I took the paper and sighed. "Okay." I said while looking at hell on a paper. I would gladly want to rip this paper into pieces and burn it to the ground! 

Just to make it disappear, but that, sadly, wasn't and option. I folded the paper and put it in my bag while taking my books. I took my notebook and started doodling some eye or something.

Okay, I know what you're thinking! Drawing in class + not paying attention = bad grades. And as a cherry on top: failing class. But no, I study hard! Believe me! I studied like my life depended on it! It didn't matter how hard I studied or in what way, I always ended up having a bad grade. So I had just given up on this subject!

During lunch I had walked to the cafeteria, where I met up with Jimin, my best friend at this school. 

We were placed in separate classes, so we didn't see each other that often, but when we did, we could talk about our shared interests all day long.

School had slowly made it's way to an end and I finally went to my locker to get rid of all my books. After that, I put my earbuds in and walked home while listening to my favourite playlist.

I got my keys out of my pocket and entered my house. Dad wasn't home yet. I took my shoes off and went to the fridge. I got some strawberries and went to my room, where I started to watch Netflix. 

I heard dad walking into the house after I had watched already two episodes of my favourite show. "Taehyung! I'm home!" He yelled at the bottom of the stairs. "Hey!" I shout back. I finished my food and just as the second episode ended, I heard a loud bang.

I startled as I realised someone kicked the door in. I got up and ran downstairs. I see two men with guns standing behind a younger man. He seems 20 maybe even 21 or something. 

The two other guys were holding my dad on the ground. I didn't dare to move. They all turned to face me. The younger man had this weird vibe. He had his hands placed in the pockets of his black jeans. He wore this black sweater and had black hair. 

I immediately felt that he was the boss. He just radiated dominance off of him. His gaze went from my face to my toes and it gave me chills.

"Is this your son?" He asked to my father. Dad didn't react. As a consequence of that, the guy who was holding him, strengthened his grip on my father's arm, which made him yelp in pain.

"No." He quickly replied. I widened my eyes. This must be serious if he even says I'm not his son to protect me. The younger guy laughed. I watched him, as his shoulders moved up and down fast while laughing. "You're lying to me." He said. "Now... What are you protecting?" 

The guy made some movement with his hand. One of the two men's gaze fell on me and he started walking up to me firmly. I got goosebumps and turned around to start running up the stairs again.

I hadn't even reached the top stair or I felt a hand around my ankle. It caused me to fall on the stairs and made me grunt in pain. The man pulled me to him and took me back downstairs. He had turned my hands on my back, threateningly scooting my arm further up whenever I resisted in his grip.

"You're lucky that you and my parents have a past with each other, otherwise I'd make you entire life miserable." The guy said. I could see dad's eyes glittering with tears. "Why? He's the only thing I have left, please." Dad begged. 

"Nice to know you care about him. Don't worry, I'll take good care of him, while you collect the money you still owe me since 2012." The guy growled. I didn't dare to speak up, or do anything.

Dad muttered a name, which I didn't hear quite well. "If you take him..." Dad started, but got interrupted by the guy. "You know you can't call 112. Also, you have nothing to threat me with. If you don't pay me back, you won't get your son back." He said while walking away. 

I got pushed to the door as well. I heard dad sobbing quietly. I starte struggling, as I wanted nothing more than to wake up from this nightmare. I just wanted to comfort dad. Seeing him like that broke my heart. 

The man who was holding me, pushed me with ease to a black car. I got thrown onto the back seat. I immediately tried to get out, but they put the child lock on. It was no use.

"Son of a.." I startled, when I saw the younger man next to me. He looked at me with muse. I returned a cold gaze. "What's your name?" He asked. His voice had a tint of dominance, which made me a bit scared, to be honest. Afraid of what will happen, if I don't answer, I reply to him. "Kim Taehyung." 

The man smiled. Probably because of his victory. I turned my head to the other side and looked out of the window. I watched the landscape flying by. "I'm Jeon Jungkook." I heard from behind. My eyes widen by the realisation who had just taken me from my dad. I turned my head back to him. "Y-you're the mafia boss of South Seoul?" I ask. I curse myself for that tone! Even I could hear the fear. It made me weak, which made Jungkook just more powerful over me.

"Yes. I am the mafia boss of South Seoul." I heard Jungkook say. And that simple phrase made a chill roll down my spine. My whole body stiffened. 

I'm in some deep shit!

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