{VII} • Detention

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Taehyung's P.O.V:

I got to the reception. The receptionist looked up to me. "I'm supposed to go to detention? Cleaning the windows?" I say. "Name?"

"Kim Taehyung."

The lady started ticking on the keyboard and gave me a paper than. I went to the janitors closet, where Jonghyun and the janitor were waiting for me. I quickly bowed for the janitor. Jonghyun gave me a deadly glare. The janitor gave us 2 pars of rags and chamois'. Jonhyun and I started working in silence. I almost had finished my first window when Jonghyun bumped into my shoulder. "Hey! Can you go somewhere else?!" I say irritated. "You better shut up. It's because of you that we're here right now." Jonghyun said. I bumped back into his shoulder and finishing my window. Jonghyun pushed me harshly, which made me fall and all the water spill on the floor. "Are you serious?! Now we need to clean this as well! You're such an asshole!" I yell.

Jonghyun walked up to me, grabbed me by the collar of my sweater and pulled me inside of an empty classroom. "You're calling me an asshole, says the guy that shot my brother in his leg." He hissed. "He got what he deserved! Now let go of me!" I say while trying to get away. Jonghyun didn't hesitate and closed his hand around my neck. All of my alarm bells went off. I needed to get away. "Stop." I say while closing my hands around his'. "This will teach you. You need to respect me. You're nothing more than a captive. A hostage. You are beneath my position." Jonghyun said. I felt lightheaded as a cause of the lack of oxygen. I pressed my nails into his hand, trying to let him release me. Fear struck into my soul. I had never feared like this. I felt extremely vulnerable as dizzyness started to take over. I panicked as I couldn't breathe anymore. I tried to get away. I stepped on Jonghyun's foot. He released me and I fell to the floor on all fours. Coughing and gasping for air.

Jungkook's P.O.V:

I was looking over Suga's shoulder to the screen. Suga being the perfect hacker he is, had hacked the schoolcamera's. I didn't trust Jonghyun. We saw Taehyung and Jonghyun doing each a window. Then, Jonghyun bumped into Taehyung, who spilled the water. He got mad and Jonghyun grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. They than disappeared into an empty classroom. "Quickly take another camera!" I say nervously. "Calm down, I'll try!" Suga said while moving to another camera. We could now look inside the classroom. He was being choked. Enough! I ran to my car and drove as fast as I can to Taehyung's school.

It was the night when I had taken Taehyung. Taehyung was already sleeping in his room I guess. I drove back to his father's house. I knocked three times on the door. "Jungkook, what do you want to take this time?" His father asked. "Nothing. I just came to say that I promise to take good care of Taehyung. You know I'm a man of my word." Taehyung's father sighed. "I do not agree with this! You know it! You took my son away from me! How could you!" He said. I stepped forward. "You have taken my money. I need it back. Listen, I didn't like to take him away from you. But I will protect him." I say in a serious tone while looking into his father's eyes. "You better! If not, I will never give you the money back!" He said and than slammed the door shut.

I got out of the car as I repeated the words in my head. "I promise." I had gotten to the classroom where it all was happening. I opened the door only to see Taehyung rolled up in a ball on the floor and Jonghyun kicking him on every possible spot. I became furious. I walked up to Jonghyun and slammed him against the wall. "You need to stop it!" I hiss. Jonghyun gave me an arrogant look. "Or what?" He asked. "Don't you dare get arrogant with me! You know damn well that I have a higher position than you. I could easily make your life miserable." I say extremely calm. All of Jonghyun's features said that he was calm, except for his eyes. Those were filled with a slight fear and nervousness. I push him away and help Taehyung up. "If you ever touch him again, I will not hesitate to slap that arrogant look off of your face!" I say while I walk out with Taehyung.

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