{XX} • Vengeance {18+!}

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(Oh gosh, I'm so nervous about posting this chapter! Enjoy!)


"Jin, bring Tae home." Jungkook said. "Wait why?" I ask. "Let's go." Jin said while pulling at my wrist. Jin and I walked to his car. "Why do I need to go home?" I ask. "I don't know, but if Jungkook says so, we'll have to do it that way. He probably has a good reason." Jin explained while starting the engine.

I fasten my seatbelt. Jin drove me home and I say goodbye as I slam the door shut. I get inside of the house and close the door behind me. Yeontan came running to me with a toy in his mouth

I played with Yeontan for a while and then ordered pizza. When the doorbell rung, Yeontan started barking. I opened the door and received the pizza. I payed as Yeontan barked again. The delivery man cocked an eyebrow and looked at Yeontan. I smiled. "Yeah, he's quite the beast. I should put out an 'be aware of the kraken' sign." The delivery man laughed and walked away while saying goodbye.

"Oh my gawd, Tannie! This pizza is delicious!" I say while taking another bite from the pizza. Yeontan and I made eye contact and I could see the hunger in his eyes. I quickly give Yeontan some food as well.


It is currently 20:30 and Jungkook still wasn't home. I went to the kitchen and opened a bag of chips and grabbed a bowl. At once I heard a loud bonk at the door. It wasn't a knock, but it was more likely like someone wanted to barge in. I quickly looked around and saw that Yeontan was standing next to me. I quickly take him into my arms and put him into the toilet. "Shh! Stay here." I whisper as I heard another bonk.

I ran back into the kitchen and take a knife. I hide behind the corner as the door was finally being kicked in. Fear struck into my soul as I heard the men going through all our stuff. "Go search upstairs! I'll check the kitchen." I hear. I tighten my grip on the knife blade. "Hey guys! I found him!" The man yelled while grabbing onto my shoulder. I stood up and cut the man's upper arm. The man shouted from pain as I ran upstairs. Five men started following me as I went into my room and locked the door

I heard them trying to break the door again. I walked over to the balcony and went to Jungkook's room. I opened the balcony door and I locked it. I also secured it with Jungkook's chair. I heard the five men breaking my bedroom door and I ran out of Jungkook's room. I went into mine and saw that all of the guys were on the balcony. I quickly locked the balcony door. I sigh and walk back into the hallway.

I wanted to walk down the stairs, but I hear someone scraping his throat. I freeze and slowly turn around, where I faced another man. I turned around and started to run as fast as I could. I heard the man following me. I took my phone out of my pocket.

"Jungk...!" I yell but get interrupted by the man grabbing my ankle. I fell on the floor and my phone flew out of my hand. "Taehyung?" I hear. "Help!!" I yell as I try to crawl to my phone. The guy saw what my plan was and stood up. Before I could grab my phone, the guy stepped onto my hand, which I hand stretched out to grab my phone. I groan from pain as I tried to move his foot. And the guy did. He moved his foot, but he kicked my phone down the stairs. "No!" I yell. The guy grabbed me by my collar and pulled me onto my feet.

Something switched in my brain and I tried to floor the guy in the movement Jungkook had taught me, but I couldn't. My hand hurt and it couldn't provide a lot of strength, which made the move unusable.

The guy laughed. "Did you really think you could possibly floor me?" The man scoffed. He gave me a slap to my cheek. "Where is Jungkook?!" He asked. I looked down while softly caressing my cheek. "I don't know." I say. The guy pushed me harshly against the wall and pressed my head against it as well. "Don't lie to me, pretty boy. Tell me the truth and nothing too bad will happen tonight." The guy said. Cold shivers went down my spine.

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