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(Guys, I need your help!I'm busy writing Fragrance of Indignation and I'm slowly, but steadily reaching the end. I'm planning on writing a sequel, but this is where I need your help.The first 10 to 15 chapters of Fragrance of Indignation are full with bad writing and incorrect grammar.How can I both keep you reading with my sequel and start correcting Fragrance of 


Any tips or help are super welcome!

Thank you for reading Fragrance of Indignation! <3 I look forward to hear your tips out!

Love you!!! <3 )


he's my ex... It isn't what it looked like, he kissed me!" Jungkook said quickly.

I turn my eyes on Jungkook's ex and kick him in his stomach. I took the collar of his shirt and brought him closer to my face. His ex looked me with fear in the eyes. "Jungkook's mine. Do you hear me? Only mine!" I say.

"You've got a possessive boyfriend, Jungkook, you sure you can't get any better?" Hangseon asked. This was it. "Shut up, old man!" I say while taking Jungkook's wrist. "We're going." I say to him. Jungkook nodded.

The team was silent all this time. Hangseon didn't even move when we all started moving towards the exit. Before we could actually leave the room, the hallway was filling up with Hangseon's men.

Some of them had guns, others were bulky enough to get you on the ground with one touch of their pinky fingers.

Jungkook protectively pulled me behind him. I noticed he did this a lot lately and whenever he did, it just melted my heart, making me fall for him even more. "Let us go." Jungkook demanded.

"Not until you give me that position. You know the rules, Jungkook, I don't want to be known as the nephew killer amongst our family." Hangseon said. I narrowed my eyes. Rules? What rules?

Jungkook's P.O.V:

"Not until you give me that position. You know the rules, Jungkook, and I don't want to be known as the nephew killer amongst our family." Hangseon said.

"Well too bad for you, because I'm not giving this position up." I said. "You're only making it harder for yourself." Hangseon replied. He signalled to the men in the hallway with his hand.

They immediately started coming in. A guy almost hit me in the face, but I quickly dodged. "Retreat!" I heard Namjoon say in my ear-piece. "Run, Taehyung!" I yell at Taehyung who was still behind me, before punching a guy that was ready to attack Taehyung. "Not without you!" Taehyung said stubbornly.

I didn't want to fight with Taehyung now about whether he should listen to me or ignore my demands. I saw the team fighting their way out of the small room. No one was at the door! I took Taehyung's arm and started running. We ran through the crowd that was still partying.

"Jimin!" Taehyung yelled. "We need to find Jimin!" He said to me. I saw the worry in his eyes. I nodded and we started looking for him, never leaving each other's sides. Too afraid to lose each other. "Jimin!" Taehyung yelled again.

"Taehyung?!" I hear from my left. I heard Taehyung releasing the breath he had been holding. We started running towards were Taehyung thought he had heard from Jimin.

We eventually found him by the fountain of some sort of alcohol. "Jimin! Thank god you're safe! Taehyung said. Jimin worriedly looked at Taehyung and then at me. "What's going on?" He asked. "No time to explain! We need to get out of here." I quickly said while taking Jimin and Taehyung's arm.

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