{XXXV} • The Show

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Should I break up with him?

Taehyung's P.O.V:

I woke up earlier than Jungkook. I went downstairs and made two omelettes. I left one for Jungkook and ate mine in silence. I hadn't had nightmares in a long time. Maybe it was because I had been stressing before I fell asleep? Was Jungkook less mad? He did comfort me...

My thoughts were interrupted by Jungkook walking down the stairs. I look up. "Hey." I say. "Hey." Jungkook said with a morning voice. He took his omelette and started eating it with me. We ate in silence. "Tomorrow is the play I'm the main lead in. Will you come?" I ask.

"When is it?"
"I suppose I could go. I'll be there."

I finished my meal with a smile, put my plate in the dishwasher and made my way to our room. I was putting on some perfume when Jungkook came in. He silently changed. I sighed. "I'm going to take Yeontan out." I say. "Kay." I got as response.

I got down and put Yeontan's harness on. I took him out for 15 minutes. I didn't want to face Jungkook. He was so silent and ignored me. What was the point of being with him in the same room then?

I had returned home and gave Yeontan his food. "Let's go." Jungkook said after I had given Yeontan his food. I nodded and took my backpack with me. Jungkook started the engine and brought me to school.

I got out of the car and slammed the door shut. I didn't even say bye. Jungkook annoyed me. Why didn't he just said why he was so mad? I had rather have him be mad with me and yell at me than this.

I got to my locker and dumped the needed books into my backpack. Jimin saw me. "Hey, Taehyung. You good?" He asked. I sighed. "Sort of. I don't want to talk about it." I say while rubbing my eyes.


I got into the classroom with Sungho. "Last tutoring session before you have the test." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. I just want to get this over with." I say while sitting down. "Put your books away. I'm going to test you." Sungho said.

Sungho started asking questions. I answered all of them correctly to Sungho's surprise.

"You're ready for the test tomorrow." Sungho said. I nodded and put my books in my bag. "Are you ready for the play tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded. "Of course I am." I say while standing up and walking away. I had no need to stay with Sungho any longer.

I went to my locker and dumped my books there. I went to my contact list and my thumb kept hovering over two numbers.


I eventually ended up calling Jungkook. "Hello?" I heard. I smiled. "Hey, Jungkook. It's me. We ended the tutoring session pretty quickly. Shall I walk home or take a bus?" I ask.

"I'll send Jin to take you home. Wait for a few more minutes." Jungkook said and immediately hung up. I pressed my lips together. He was being so blunt. I couldn't understand his behaviour. Firstly, he's mad and doesn't want to talk to me, then he wakes me up worriedly during a nightmare and then he's blunt as hell. Just decide Jungkook! Stop being so annoying!

I said in my mind. Sungho stood next to me at once. "Got some relationship problems?" He asked while grinning. "Shut up!" I growl at him. He shrugged his shoulders while grinning.

"You should stop intertwining into others lives!" I say while pushing him towards the wall. I was furious. It didn't surprise me he knew everything. I locked him in between my arms against the wall. I wanted to lash out at him, but before I could, he pecked my lips as fast as possible and sneaked under my arms, walking to the bus.

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