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(Time Jump)

"I already told you don't come near me P'Pha. You're nothing be trouble" I yelled

"You weren't saying that last night" he laughed

"Well that was prescription sex. Your child is one week over due and your dad said sexual should help and of course this baby is stubborn and doesn't want to be born" I complained

"Since our baby is stubborn that mean they're already taking after you" he laughed

"P It's not funny. I'm in pain. I feel like a whale and I just want to cuddle our baby"

"So now it's our baby. You just said they were mine"

"P'Pha I'm a heavily pregnant person, you know I can't be trusted with the things I say. Last time I said don't come near me and obviously you came because here I am pregnant again" I laughed

"I know my love. I just hate to see you like this. You've done so great caring for our daughter while also making sure this baby is healthy to. You're such a good mama." He said while cupping my face and placing kissed all around.

"You're such a sweet loving fiancé.
A perfect example for our daughters." I smiled

"I thought we agreed on using gender neutral terms. We don't know what we're having" he laughed

"I'm her mama and I have intuition. I know I'm having another girl. I can just feel it. Little Nico and Nami. Their names go together" I smiled

Another week passed and still no sign of this baby making it's way into the world.

"My Mama. My Baby" Nami laughed as she cuddled closer to me

"No this is my baby. She's your sister" I laughed

"No. My baby"

"Just like your father." I laughed

"Who's just like me?" P'Pha laughed

"Nami. Always trying to debate just like you. This little girl is on her way to be a lawyer" I laughed

"Dadeee" Nami cheered

"Hi baby. Are you being nice to mama? He's a bit of a grump isn't he?"

"Mama Grump" she cheered

"Hey don't teach her th- AHHHH FUCK" I yelled while holding my


"Did our baby just curse?" P'Pha laughed

"It's not funn- OWW" I cried

"Is it the baby fuck your water broke. Okay I have the diaper bag in the car we just need to get you down the stairs"

"Wait we can't take Nami. Get Ming or Kit" I cried while experiencing another contraction

"Hey Yo are you okay, Damn you're in labor" Ming yelled

"Damn. Fuck." Nami laughed

"Ming-Kwan did you teach out niece to curse? Kit yelled

"Hey I only said damn. Blame her parents for teaching her the F word" Ming answered

"Please can you two watch her. Yo is in labor and we can't bring her with us. I already texted my parents and they'll be there at the hospital"

"Yeah we can watch her"

"Can we please hurry before I give birth on the living room floor" I complained

"At least you'll be in your own home and not in a car on the side of the road" Kit laughed

"Damn" Nami laughed while clapping her hands

"I know right, blame your uncle he did the same thing when he was born. How about we go upstairs and play with Rose." Kit said laughing While taking her upstairs.


We got to the hospital and like like last time I was brought up to the labor and deliver ward. Thankfully I wasn't alone this time. I made sure to get the epidural right away because I didn't want any pain.


"Yes P'Pha?"

"I appreciate you. You really changed my life. I was some play boy before I met you, I never really cared about my studies. I never thought that having a one night stand would help me find the love of my life. You've given me so much and I just wanted to tell you that I'm thankful" he smiled with tears in his eyes

"P don't cry. I love you so much and I'm happy that this is our life. You gave me two babies and you love me. Yeah I wasn't expecting to get pregnant the night I lost my virginity but I wouldn't change it. You're my world and so are our daughters"

He laughed and kissed me "when our son gets older I'm going to tell him that you kept calling him a girl"

"That's because we're having a girl. I just know it" I said so mater of factly

After 6 more hours of labor and 20 minutes of pushing, I heard the beautiful sounds of my baby crying.

I was so happy. Once my baby was place one my chest I made sure to give my baby milk right away. Phana kissed my forehead and the two of us just laid together looking down at our baby.

"Wow he already has a good latch"  my father in law said

"Excuse me what?" I asked him

"Oh, well as your OBGYN and the person that delivered your baby, it's my job to take note of the gender. This baby right here is 100% male. Of course he'll still need a blood test done to determine if he's a carrier but we can use his cord blood so he won't need any needles"

"See I told you he was a boy!" Phana laughed

"What ever." I rolled my eyes "you hear that Zorro your Daddy is already being mean to me" I fake cried

"Oh god that name. Please can we pick a different name?"

"Nope. Maybe if your good you can name the next one but if you knock me up before Zorro is at least 5 the deal is off" I laughed


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