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Phana's POV

After what felt like forever my father came to the waiting room.

"You can come back now" He said

"All of us?" I asked

"Well you're all his family right?"

Everyone walked back and I stopped to talk to my father

"How is he?" I asked

"He's awake. He's a little shaken up"

"And the baby" I asked

"The baby is fine. But we're keeping Wayo overnight for testing. Also when he woke up he told me everything about getting pregnant" my father said

"He...he did?"

"Yes. And before you ask, no I'm not mad."

"You're not?" I asked confusedly

"No why would I be. A baby is a blessing. Am I happy that my son got someone pregnant during a one night stand, no because I hate to think that my son was sleeping around without protection, but Wayo is a good kid."

"Thank you" I said while hugging him

"For what?"

"For saving them" I said

"They're family"


I walked in the room and Wayo was laughing with everyone. He looked pale but to see him still smiling after all of this made me fall for him more.


"Hey love. How are you feeling?" I asked

"Tired, but otherwise okay" He shrugged

"How's the baby?" Ming asked

"The baby is fine" My father explained

"But what about the blood?" Kit asked

"There was a small tear in the placenta but with bed rest it should heal"

"What about my appointments?" Wayo asked

"We can do at home visits so you don't have to strain yourself. Once it heals you can resume daily activities"

"What about school? Wayo asked

"You can do online classes" Forth suggested

"We're going to give you two some privacy" Ming said

"We'll clean up the house and go food shopping so you don't have to worry about anything once you're home." Forth explained

When they all left I laid down next to Wayo and just held him in my arms. "I was so worried"

"I know, but we're okay"


"I hope we're not interrupting" Dad said

"No, it's okay" Wayo said.

"Well since you two have been through alot we wanted to know if you wanted to see the baby"

"Really can we?"

"Technically you already had one but you were sedated and Phana wasn't here. So we figured that if both of you got to see the baby it would put you minds at ease"

I could feel myself hold in a breath, "P'Pha relax" Wayo said while tapping my shoulder

"It's just, I've never seen the baby before. I just have that one ultrasound photo, but I've never been to an appointment before"

Father put some gel on Wayo's stomach and I clenched my teeth. There was a big bruise on it. My heart broke at the thought of what Wayo felt. I felt him put his hands on my face and turn my head to the machine.

When I looked at the machine, I saw the most beautiful sight. The baby was moving and wiggling. I can't believe there was this person inside of Wayo. This is someone we made.

"I know I said 20 weeks, but the baby is actually big enough now for us to determine the gender. Do you want to know?" Father asked

"Can we?" I asked Wayo. He shook his head yes.

"Congratulations. You two are the proud parents of a baby girl"

"Oh my goodness!!" Wayo screamed  "We're having a girl"

"Yes, love we're having a girl." I said while giving his a kiss

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