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Phana's POV

When I got paged to the ER with the note that my fiancé and unborn child were admitted, my heart sank. My perfect beautiful Wayo.

He is the worlds most perfect human being aside from my children. He never hurts anyone and he's so loving and caring.

But there he was being prepared to go into surgery and I had to sign the consent forms.

Had it not been for the mailman and his wife, who knows what would have happened to my love.

The first day I decide to leave him alone something terrible happens. If he or our child got hurt I could never forgive myself.

My parents were too far away to get here in time for Wayo to be operated on so we had to find the Second and third best surgeon to operate on him.

According to the doctors Wayo's back to back to back pregnancies caused his womb to be unstable. This baby is growing ahead of schedule and is estimated to be at least 10 pounds. To to this child being big, Wayo's already weak womb is having trouble stabilizing.

This is all my fault. I'm the one that couldn't keep my hands off of him. Yes he wears those sexy little outfits and he's irresistible but ultimately it's my fault. I'm the one that impregnated him 3 times.

I don't regret my children because they are blessings that I didn't know I needed but I hate that my inability to let Wayo's body heal before I basically eat him is the reason he's in surgery right now.

The private waiting room is quiet.

My in laws came as soon as I called them. I had to explain to my son and daughter that their mom is in surgery.

They were scared. Apparently a child that Nami goes to her learning center was told that her mom needed surgery but then her mom went to heaven.

My babies cried in my arms thinking that their mom is going to leave us. Zoro doesn't even understand anything but he cried because he saw his sister crying and he wanted his mom.

How do you even explain to toddlers what's going on?

Once they cried themselves to sleep my in laws took them home because I didn't want my babies to be here any longer. The needed to be somewhere relaxing.

The men who found my beloved Wayo refused to leave. They are good people and one of them is heavily pregnant. When I couldn't even speak to the doctos Type was the one telling them to do their jobs and save Wayo and the baby.

Tharn is in charge of an electronics and medical equipment company and he called his main office to have the best medical equipment sent here. It's stuff that my own father in law  hasn't even gotten ahold of because it's so new

I didn't want to ruin Beam and Kits family time so I didn't call them. Plus Beam and Forth are pregnant and the last thing they need is stress.

After 8 hours of waiting the doctors finally came into the waiting room.

I still couldn't speak

There was just silence

"Listen here doctors how about you speak instead of being silent? How is Wayo and how is the baby?" Type demanded

"They're Okay" the second best doctor replied

"Okay? What does that mean? Can he see Phana see then or are you going to keep him in suspense?" Type complained

"Well as you all know Wayo's womb is unstable. The risk of losing the baby was extremely high." The third best started to say

"Did......did we lose our baby?" I managed to whisper while the pain in my heart only increased

How will I tell the love of my life that we lost our baby. This is all my fault.

"No" the third best doctor said

"Ahh why didn't you start with that. Why do doctors always have to be dramatic. This poor man has been through enough and you left him to think that he lost his child. How dare you!" type half yelled while waddling around the room

"I'm sorry. That's was not my intention. But yes Wayo and your baby are okay. His womb started to tear so we have to very carefully stitch it up" the second best doctor said

"In addition to that, the scans showed that your son started to develop a small mass on his left lung." The third best said while holding up a detailed ultrasound photo

"A mass? What do you mean?" I said with tears in my eyes. There was something wrong with my baby

"Sometimes things like this happen. But since we were already dealing with the womb we were able to operate on your son."

"Is he Okay? I mean babies born this early have a lot of complications. Can I see him?" I cried

Wayo and I decided to wait until birth like we did before we found out the gender. It finally registered to me that we have a son. We have another son. My baby. Our baby.

"No" the third best doctor said

"No? what do you mean he can't see his son? Have you no shame?" Type yelled

"Wifey relax. All this yelling isn't good for our baby." Tharn said while pulling his wife into his arms in an attempt to try to relax the spitfire of a man.

"I'm sorry, let me clarify, you can't see your son because he's technically not born yet."

"What do you mean?" I asked confusingly

"We performed what is called fetal surgery. Basically we preformed surgery on your son while he was still attached to your fiancé. This way the baby had a good oxygen and blood supply. Once we removed the mass we closed his chest and placed him back in the womb. He was given a steroid shot to help with his lungs in the event he is born early. We also gave your fiancé medication to help strengthen his body. Also we do recommend that you wait at least 2 years after this pregnancy to have another baby."

"Again what's with the dramatics. Why not say that first instead of telling him he couldn't see his baby." Type grumbled from his husband arms

"Wait so Wayo is still pregnant?" I asked

"Yes. The reason we opted to preform the fetal surgery now is because the mass could have continued to grow. If that happened then your sons lung wouldn't have developed. The changes of him being still born were very high and even if he was born alive there was a 97% chance he would have passed away within the first 24hrs outside the womb. These types of tumors are fast growing even if he had a scan a week ago it wouldn't have shown." The amazing doctor said.

It didn't feel right thinking of them as the second and third best doctor when they were able to not only save Wayo but the life of my child without having to deliver him 4 month premature.

To have Wayo go through pregnancy only for us not to have our baby come home with us would have been devastating. Neither of us would have been able to properly deal with such a loss.

I dropped to the floor and cried. I was so happy. I thanked the heaven above that they are safe.

"We moved your fiancé to a private VIP room. You can see him within the hour."

"Thank you both so much. Please what are your names?" I asked

"My name is Godt." The tall one said

"And my name is Bass." The short one said with a smile.

Thankful. I was nothing but thankful. These two men saved my family.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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