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Wayo's POV

"Seriously I don't want to even leave the house and now we're stuck in traffic" Kit complained

"There's no fighting this, Kit. you barely have anything ready for you daughter." I replied

"Excuse me what? Kit you're having a girl?" Beam asked him

"What the hell Wayo, you said you wouldn't tell anyone else" Kit yelled. I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw him holding his belly

"I'm sorry, I forgot Beam was in the car" I said while shrugging my shoulders

"Excuse me? You forgot about me? I'm sitting right next to you and you literally invited me to tag along on this shopping trip" Beam said. But even while driving I could tell he was rolling his eyes." Beam replies

"Okay I humbly apologize, but I needed to get out the house and I'm using Kit's lack of preparation skills as an excuse to get out of the house" I sighed

"I've prepared for her" Kit shouted while trying to get comfortable in the back seat

I swear his daughter is going to scream at every single nurse or doctor she sees in the delivery room.

"Oh really? Where is her crib? Does she have a dresser of her own? How about a stroller or even a car seat? I haven't even seen you stockpile wipes and diapers. where are her essentials" I asked

"We can get that stuff when she's here" Kit explained

"Oh really. So what she's going to wear a dish rag around her waist and sleep in a drawer until she has a bed of her own" I laughed

"Listen you guys don't understand. I'm not ready to have a baby yet. If I wait then I'll have more time to absorb all of this. Kit explained 

"Wait and you think we were ready to have kids?" Beam asks

"Listen here grumpy Kat, if anything we're the two people that know exactly how you feel. An unplanned pregnancy is difficult to cope with but ignoring what your daughter needs won't make it go away" I said

"Okay drop it. Why is it that you wanted to get out of the house? Kit asked

"Honestly, P'Pha is obsessed with me. If I breastfeed, if I fold clothes, if I even accidentally show him my shoulder, he is all over me. It's like when ever he can find a spare minute he wants sex. Yes I'm happy that he finds me attractive but we had sex 3 times today and I needed a break."

"Hold up, you're having sex that often after having a baby?" Beam asked

"Well yeah aren't you and Forth doing the same?" I asked

"I think in the last three weeks we probably had sex twice. He says he doesn't want to wake the boys. But what if he doesn't find me attractive anymore? I have an ugly scar and I haven't bounced back like you Wayo." Beam says in a shaky voice

"If Forth even dares to think you're unattractive, I will waddle all the way to your pool house and beat him." Kit said

"Maybe spice things up" I suggested

"How? What if he's bored of me?" Beam asks

"Well a month after giving birth, I started to wear bras to help keep my heating and cooling pads in place to reduce the swelling between feeds. I've been feeling confident in them and of course i had to buy the matching panties. P'Pha always says how he wants to eat me when he sees me dressed that way."

"Are you serious? How is our innocent little Wayo such a sexual deviant?" Beam fake cried

"I'm still trying not to gag over the P'Pha wants to eat me comment" Kit said while covering his mouth

"Oh hush. Beam if you put on a nice black lace you'll be giving those boy a younger sibling in no time"

"Wayo don't curse me like that. I just had them. If anyone is having another baby it's obviously going to be you with all this sex that you're apparently having. I bet you're pregnant right now" Beam joked

"Oh look traffic is moving" I said trying to change the subject even though the traffic was barely moving

"Wayo are you?" Beam asked accusingly

"Do you think it's going to rain?" I asked trying to get them to drop the topic 

"Don't avoid the question" Kit asked

"Did I tell you that I'm doing better with my online classes? I have a 3.2 GPA this semester"

"Oh my god you're pregnant again aren't you?" Kit said while hissing under his breath

"Please don't say anything. P'Pha doesn't know."

"I can't believe you're having another baby. Nami is still so young." Kit said

"I thought you were on the pill. When did you find out?" Beam asked

"I might have missed a few doses. I was feeling sick and I bought a test last week and after 3 minutes the word pregnant just showed up." I explained 

"How do you feel?" Beam said 

"I'm scared because Nami isn't even six months old yet. But part of me is excited to add to my family. Plus while we shop for your baby Kit, I can look for some big sister stuff for Nami"

"Well she would look adorable in a shirt that says big sister" Kit laughed. I looked again at him holding his stomach

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just Braxton Hicks. It's been like this since last night"

"Are you sure? Because in the last 5 minutes I've seen you clutch your stomach 3 times. Braxton hicks are like 20 minutes apart and go away. Since it's been so long you might actually have been in labor this whole time." I said

"I think I know my own body. Oh shit I think I just peed. Sorry about your back seat."

"Hold on. You peed? P'Pha got this for me as a push present. Now it has your pee in it." I whined 

"Wait, he got you a car after giving birth? Forth only got me a burger and fries after I had the boys and I was attacked by my own mom. Where the hell is my car?" Beam complained

"Can we focus on me. Although Ming better get me something nice. His daughter is already too much like him and I deserve a reward. But seriously I literally pissed myself and I'm in more pain" Kit complained

"Kit was that pee yellow?" Beam asked

"No why?"

"I'm the only one in this car that isn't going to be a doctor and I'm 100% sure that was your water breaking. As to how you didn't notice is beyond me. Are you sure becoming a doctor is safe for your future patients?" I teased 

"I will be a very capable doctor. I would have known if my water broke" Kit argued 

"You didn't even know you were labor. Beam climb over to the back seat and check him out. he might be dilated already" I asked

"I am not getting naked in a car. I have standards" he protested

"Oh really? So do you mind explaining what you and Ming were doing Tuesday night in the driveway in his car? You know that Nami's room is above where we park the cars. Where were your standards then?" I asked while laughing 

"Never speak of that again. Fine, I'll take off my pants but you're over exaggerating. I still have 2 more weeks until she's here."

"No you don't" Beam said

"What do you mean?" Kit asked

"You must have a high pain tolerance because I literally see the top of your daughters head. Your water must've broken when she started crowning."

"Well tell her to go back in. I'm not giving birth on the side of the highway."

"Ming is going to pay for this car to get cleaned. Plus I'm in the middle lane and we're stuck in traffic so you won't be on the side of the road. I joked

"That's not funny. I can't give birth in a car" Kit complained

"At this point you have no choice" Beam replied 

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