* FIVE *

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At that moment I froze. Ming practically fainted and Forths eyes were about to burst out of his head.

"There's no way. What how?" I asked

"Well did you have sex?" I embarrassingly nodded "Did you use protection?" I shook my head no "Well then that's how you go pregnant. This machine here will give us a good view of the baby"

I laid back and I lifted my shirt. Fuck. it was just one night. How could I be pregnant after losing my virginity. How could I be so careless. The gel felt cold and tears started to roll down my face. This prompted Ming to hold my hand and Forth to wipe my tears.

"Okay there it is. It doesn't seem like much since you're only about 4 weeks along and the baby is really small. But that grey dot is your baby"

"Wow that dot is a baby. It's so small. I'm going to be an Uncle" Ming said happily.

When I looked at Forth face he look like he was fighting back tears of his own.

"I'm going to print this out for you so that you can have your first picture of the baby" Dr park said

When I was handed the photo I felt my entire life pass me by. How can I care for a child? I just graduated high school. I just felt so angry. My future will be ruined over a careless night with some random guy.

I could see Dr. Park's lips were moving but I couldn't hear any words. Ming and Forth were smiling at each other but I couldn't hear them. Suddenly I yelled  "I want an abortion"

Everyone in the room gasped and Forth shook his head and Ming dropped his phone. It was the only sound in a room full of silence

After minutes of silence, Dr, Park broke it by saying. "If this is what you really want, I can make you another appointment and we can discuss your options at in 2 weeks"

He handed me a slip with a new appointment time and told me to give it to the front desk.

After I made the follow up  appointment the three of us were all in shock and we went back home to change for lunch.


It was time for my next appointment. For the past two weeks the three of us avoided the conversation. I already knew I wanted an abortion. I knew the other two didn't agree with me so I was going to this appointment alone.

When I got there I was nervous. I felt like people were judging me even though there was no way they would notice. I walked back outside and stopped to get some fresh air. This was peaceful.

"All I'm saying is that after college you're set. Your dad runs his own department and you already have a job waiting. The two of us can only hope that Uncle will take pity on us and hire us too"

When I heard the talking I turned to look and it was a group of guys. There was a short one who looked like he was ready to smack the brown hair guy on the side of his head and behind him was a tall guy. He didn't say much but he had a look of disapproval. It reminds me of Forth when he's trying to teach Ming how to do something and Ming just ends up breaking something. As to why Ming even wanted to be an engineer in the first place is beyond me. He breaks everything he comes in contact with.

"But I don't think I can handle this position" his voice was stern and oddly familiar.

"How could you not want it? You wouldn't even need to interview. Said the short guy as the tall one nodded his head. Wow his eyes were serious. They were just like Forth's whenever he was focused on building something.

"Because I'll be working for my dad. He'll expect more from me and I don't want that pressure. If I'm somewhere else I know I can breeze past my internship."

"Poor you, having to actually do some hard work, but we're still going to have to talk to him"

"Fine but can we get some food first? After that we can come back here. Plus my dad is probably busy right now"

"Fine, let's eat then"

The brown hair guy finally turned around and the trio started to cross the street. I could feel my face turn red. It was him. It was the stranger. The man that took my virginity and got me pregnant. Instinctively I wanted to run in the street after him but someone pulled me back.

"Hey kid, it's a green light you have to wait." an older said

"Sorry my mistake" when I looked up he was gone. I didn't see where he went. What if that was my only chance to tell him about the baby? Would he even have cared? He did leave me before I woke up. With tears in my eyes I walked back into the hospital for my appointment. After today all of this will be behind me.

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