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Beam's POV

"They're alive" he screamed

I felt my body freeze up. my heart was beating fast  "What?" I asked. I couldn't believe him. I started to calm down.

"Please just sit down" he said

"Dr Earth was supposed to talk to you. You had to have a C-section. I wasn't here when you woke up because I was finally allowed to see our son's"

"Wait, they're alive? But I wasn't full term"

"I know. But it was their best chance at survival. They're small but they're here. They're in the NICU"

Our babies are alive. I said all those horrible things to the man I love because I thought our kids were gone. "I'm sorry please don't hate me......how could I treat you this way"

"It's okay. You didn't know. You thought they were gone. Please don't feel guilty" he said while hugging me

"When can I see them?" I asked

"Well once you get cleared you can visit them. But look i took photos of them"

I looked at these photos and I was so scared. They were so red. You can tell that they aren't fully developed. Both were covered in wires and one of them had an oxygen mask attached to his nose. 

"Oh my god. They're so tiny" I cried "Our babies are too small. They need more time. I can't help them"

"Shhhhh they are being care for by the best" he said as he wrapped me in his arms

"She did this to them. She hurt our babies and now they're attached to machines. I haven't even held them yet. They don't know who I am. Are they even okay?"

"Beamy please relax. I haven't held them either. They need to be a bit bigger before we can hold them. I was able to touch Baby A and he reached for me. Baby B was sleeping, I was afraid to touch him because I didn't want to wake him.  They're so tiny."

"Baby A, Baby B" I cried "Our babies don't even have names"

"We'll think of some soon" he smiled

"Tell me more about them" I asked

"Well baby A is 2lbs 9oz. He's the one with the breathing mask. He's having trouble breathing on his own. He's also so stubborn. He cried at the nurse as she was adjusting his feeding tube and tried to use his tiny fist to push her away.  He glared at her and it was so cute because he's this tiny person. He definitely gets that from you since he has your eyes."

My mine was stuck on his weight. He's so tiny.

"Baby B seems like he's the more relaxed one. He's my mini me. He didn't cry when the nurse changed him. When his wires needed to be adjusted he seemed like he didn't care and fell asleep. He's smaller, he's 2lbs 3oz. He has a grade on brain bleed"

"what! his brain is bleeding" I yelled 

"Beamy please relax. Dr. Earth said these go away on their own. Both need light therapy and they have to stay here for 4 months"

"4 months? You mean I'll be discharged in what a week? And I have to leave knowing that our babies here. What if they forget us" I said while burying my face into his chest 

"I know. I don't want to leave them here but they have to get healthy first. We can visit them every day so our babies know who we are."

I looked at this beautiful man next to me. I can't believe he is the father of our children. I kissed him passionately. Our babies have a long road ahead of them but I know that this man will be by my side every step of the way.

"I love you Forth"

"I love you too Beam"

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