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Ming's POV

Seeing all these babies makes me so happy. I'm glad that my daughter will have cousins to grow up with. All the babies minus Zoro are in the gated play area. He's only a week old and the other babies are too rough with him.

When Yo came home with Zoro, Nami almost yanked her brother off Yo when she saw Yo breast feed him. To be honest I did laugh at seeing the sibling jealousy.

But after getting scolded, Nami wobbled her lower lip and started to cry but Yo was not having it. He simply adjusted himself and let Nami feed from the other other side since he plans to keep her feeding until she's 2.

A newborns and a baby 2 weeks shy of her first birthday. How does Yo manage to feed them both at the same time? He's a natural.

I watched as Rose cuddled with a toy bunny, Nami playing with sensory block and the twins babbling to each other and trying to walk unassisted.

If they take their first steps I have to pretend not to notice so that when Beam and Forth see it they'll be happy. 

I made the mistake of telling them that I saw the boys using a spoon by themselves and Beam was hysterically crying and saying how he's missing out on his children's lives. Forth spend the entire night consoling Beam and telling him that he's a great father and that their sons don't hate him.

Those boys already do a great job at protecting their younger cousins and that makes me happy. I'm ever happier now that Yo and Pha had a boy. That's another male that I can train to protect my daughter and Nami from annoying boys.

Just yesterday I Rose to one of those parent child classes and an older boy was eyeing my daughter. He crawled over to her and offered her his teething ring.

He may have been 13 months old but I still glared at him. Offering a teething ring covered in drool. That's basically an indirect kiss. These boys are already trying things with my sweet innocent baby girl.

It's my job to protect her and make sure she's happy and healthy.

Seeing Rose so happy as she plays with her cousins does make me sad. She's the only one in the group that's and only child. What if she grows to rest us because she has no siblings?

When I hear the kids start fussing I immediately realize it's nap time. Beam and Forth are having a lunch date so I picked up their kids and put them in the near by play pens. It's too dangerous to leave them in the pool house unattended. I warned up some milk and gave them a bottle.

I know Yo and Phana are probably passed out on the bed with Zoro sleeping between them because this baby is not a fan of cribs, so I put Nami in her room. Of course she tried to fake cry so I wouldn't put her down for a nap but this baby is the worst one out of all of them if she doesn't take a nap. She yanked her pacifier out of my hand and laid down.

My sweet Rose was already passed out on the floor. She can sleep anywhere. I picked her up and placed her on her crib with her favorite stuffed animal.

I didn't want to bother Kit because I know he's still busy with school stuff. He was convinced he has to retake this class because he "slacked off" and got a B instead of an A. 

I watched as he typed away. He's always so hard on himself when it comes to school. I didn't think he would put this much pressure on himself but I guess that's the consequence he has to deal with because of how his parents raised him. The same people that abandoned him in his time of need are the same that made my wonderful KitKat believe that he is nothing unless he's makes the top 1% of his class.

I wish he'd take a break.

Maybe when he's done with this class we can try for another baby. It's been in my mind and I want Rose to have a sibling close in age to her.

"No absolutely not! Rose just turned 8 months old! There's no want I'm getting pregnant again" he complained

Shit did I say that out loud?

"Then I'll get pregnant. I'll carry out baby. I'll be the one to gain the weight and give birth so you don't have to" I said while giving him my best smile

"Ming you're crazy. Absolutely crazy."

"I'm being serious. We switch with having sex so why not switch with getting pregnant. Yes we're young but this is the perfect time." I replied

"How is this the perfect time?" Kit asked

"The babies will be close in age and will grow up together. Between my parents moving back home to help with all the kids and grandpa our babies won't have to struggle for money or wants" I explained

"So basically you want us to live off of our elders" he scoffed

"It's not like that. I plan on working for grandpa anyway and you basically have a position at Phana's affiliated hospitals. So it's not like we'll be dead beats."

"I don't know it just feels wrong" he sighed

"Plus even if we don't ask our family helps our. Your grandpa already set up a college fund for Rose and she can't even wipe her own nose" I laughed

"I don't know. Another baby is a huge deal"

"A deal I'm ready to handle. I don't want you to feel pressured at all. If you're not ready then we can wait. I just want you to know that I'm okay with carrying out next child."

"Remember you said that because I'll hold you to it." He smiled before returning to his assignment

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