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I've been walking around campus for over an hour now and there was still no sign of him or the guys he was with. If I at least found one of them I could ask about him. But what would I do if one of them was his boyfriend. I mean the both called him cute so chances are he was taken. I mean how can a guy like that not be taken?

This is useless with so many students in this damn college there was no way I could find him. Maybe this is a sign that it wasn't meant to be. Maybe this was punishment for breaking the hearts of everyone that confessed to me. Yep this was definitely my karma.

I know I was having dinner with parent's later but at this point I was so hungry. I know there's a cafe by the school that everyone likes to go to.

The AC felt nice on my skin. I had been walking so long that I didn't even notice that I had begun to sweat. I ordered a sandwich and an iced coffee. If I feel up to it, maybe I can do some more walking. I decided to sit by a window so that if i saw shorty I could run out and say something.

Just as I was about to get up from my table two guys walked in. I don't mean to eavesdrop on their conversation but with how loud they were speaking it was hard not to.

"Man I can't believe you did that. You're so shameless" said the guy with blonde hair

"Well what can I say. He was cute so I made a move" the other guy said

Well hey at least there was someone who was on their way to having a relationship. I can't even find the guy I want to talk to.

"Yeah you made a move alright. You asked for his number and he didn't even respond he just walked away"

"Well he's probably playing hard to get. I like that. I don't mind the chase."

"With a guy that cute don't be surprised if i try and steal him" the blonde teased

The other one laughed "there's no way. You don't even like manga. I saw that one piece decal on his bag so that's already something we have in common. He'll be mine in no time"

One piece decal? Was he talking about Shorty? How did this asshole find him today and I didn't? Seriously....why was he bragging so loud? I should punch him in the face.

"Sure Tae sure" the blonde laugh

So this asshole's name was Tae......God I want to punch him in his stupid face

"Just watch me" the asshole said with confidence

Stupid fucking Tae.....He needs to shut his damn mouth. Who does he think he is talking about my Shorty like that?

"How will you even find him again?" asked the blonde

"It won't be too hard. He went into the engineering building. It's a big school but I'll find him." Tae said

Engineering building? So that's where he is. I looked at my watch. Damn....they're probably all home or in the dorms by now. And I have to go to my parents house so there's no time to try and search by their dorm building. I'll have to walk through the crowds tomorrow to see if I can find him.


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