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Wayo's POV

"Ma" Nami said as she clapped her hands.

It's been a week since my P'Pha proposed to me and 5 days since he presented me with a ring. It's absolutely stunning and it fits my style perfectly.

Today is also the day that my sweet girl said her first word. I was so excited when she woke up from her nap and started saying mama over the baby monitor.

P'Pha was sad that she didn't say Papa first but I told him to get over it because he was there during her first laugh and I wasn't.

We called it even and decided to celebrate our daughter's first word by taking our sweet girl shopping for new clothes and toys.

"Ma ma maaaaaa"

"Yes baby girl that's me. I'm so happy that you know my name. Can you try to say papa?"

"Mmmmm ma"

I looked down at my sweet baby and just smiled. She truly is a gift. I still can't believe I have a daughter and that in 7 months I'm going to be welcoming another child into this world.

I still have no idea how we're going to tell our families about the engagement and new baby. I was thinking about inviting everyone over for a dinner since Auntie and Uncle are back from their travels.

They haven't seen Nami and the twins in so long and it'll be the first time that they'll meet Rose. I know Ming will appreciate the surprise of his having his parents visit while he shows off his daughter.

Kit's Parents decided to send a formal letter saying that regretted to inform him that they are unable to meet his daughter due to unforeseen circumstances. Which after one angry phone call, he learned that it meant they didn't went to meet their granddaughter because she was born out of wedlock.

My heart broke for him. First Beam having to deal with his parents disapproval and his mom assaulting him and now Kit was basically disowned. They deserve so much better from their family. Thankfully they have us.

"Mmmmmmm ma" Nami said, effectively breaking me away from those sad thoughts.

"Papa is taking too long in this store. How about we go to the toy store? Do you want a new toy baby girl?"

"Ma" she said happily while kicking her little feet.

"I will take that as a yes" I laughed

The toy store wasn't too far from the sport store P'Pha was shopping at. He says he wants Nami and him to have matching basket ball jerseys. Our other baby isn't even born and he already found some infant onesies that are basket ball themed.

Honestly, unless I'm watching him play, I don't care for the sport that much.


"Yes love?"

"I'm taking Nami to the toy store okay"

He stopped looking at clothes and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay, just know that I'll miss you fiancé"

Stuff like these makes my heart flutter. I'm literally going three stores away from him and he's acting like I'll be gone for a month. He really is amazing

Kissed Nami on her cheek and our little girl didn't miss her chance to grab his face and give him "kisses" back. It's basically her drooling all over but to us it's cute that she does this.

"Until we meet again fiancé" I said dramatically before exiting. A few people in the store looked at me weird but I didn't care.

The mall is so crowded and I rolled my eyes when I noticed a lady in front of me who is blocking the walk way with her bags. This is not a time to let my pregnancy hormones get the best of me. I need to be nice.

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