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Kit's POV

This can't be fucking happening. I had a plan. I was going to go to the hospital. Ming was going to be there. I was going to get an epidural. Giving birth in the back seat of my friend's car was not the damn plan.

"I can't do this" I cried

To be honestest i wasn't in that much pain but the thought of giving birth to my daughter without Ming here terrified me. I know I complain about him alot but he is such an amazing guy. I'm rude, I'm moody and I can be hard headed but he loves me despite all that.

"You literally have no choice. She's crowning so you're going to have to push soon"

"But Ming's not here. He doesn't even know we're having a girl. She doesn't even have a name. Why is this happening?"

"Maybe she's getting back at you for all the times you scolded her for kicking you" Wayo laughed

"You're not helping" I yelled

"Um I'm driving" Wayo said

"Driving where? Traffic is so bad we've barely moved in the last 20 minutes"

"I'm sorry. I'm just a bit jealous that you've been in labor all this time and you're barely in any pain. This next baby better bless me like that too."

"Kit, I'm serious on your next contraction, you're going to have to push. This baby is not going to wait and you don't want to risk her having a birth injury because you refused to push her out"

"But I'm scared. It wasn't supposed to happen like this"

"I know. I'm sorry you're scared. But you need to push so that you can meet your sweet girl. She even came two week early just to see you" Wayo said

"We're going to need something to wrap her in"

"I have an extra diaper bag on the trunk. Thank god this is an SUV Beam just reach over the back seat. There should be blankets and clothes in there."

I started to feel more pressure. It wasn't painful but it just felt intense.

"I can't do this I seriously can't do this"

"Yes you can. Stop saying that. Let pray your daughter doesn't come out as stubborn as you" Beam laughed

I felt another contraction and I pushed

"That's really good Kit. I can see more of her head. Just keep pushing"

"Is her head out yet?" I panted

"No, but on this next contraction push harder okay"

"Fuck. this is too much. I just want her out" I yelled.

I was pushing more and then I felt a burn. This was probably the most painful part of this labor

"It burns why is it burning" I yelled I could feel tears start to fall from my face

"That means her head is close to coming out. Keep pushing" Wayo encouraged

I pushed harder while biting my bottom lip. I could taste the blood leaking from my bottom lip. I felt a pop and I stopped pushing

"Her head is out"

"It is?" I cried. I suddenly felt this wave of emotion.

"Yes but don't push yet. Her cord is around her neck"

"Is she okay?" I yelled

"Kit she's fine. I just have to unwrap it"

"Oh god I can't believe this is happening. How is this happening?" I said

"Well my guess is you had sex" Wayo laughed

I glared at him

"What I'm trying to distract you from any pain you feel, Although I doubt you're even feeling anything. How can you not feel labor pains?"

I rolled my eyes

"Okay, I unwrapped the cord. Just push until her shoulders are out and then I can pull her out" Beam instructed

"You're going to pull her out of me. Are you a monster? She's a baby" I yelled at Beam

"Do you even know my medical specialty Kit?"

"Um no?"

"Obstetrics. This is to help parents giving birth." He answered

"Oh" Part of me felt bad for yelling at him but she's my baby. I'm supposed to protect her.

"So hurry and push okay"

I felt another contraction and pushed as hard as I could. I just need this baby out of me. Before I knew it the car was filled with a loud cry

"She's here" Beam said happily

I watched as he placed my daughter on my chest. I didn't care that she was covered in blood and fluids. As soon as I held my baby I started to kiss the top of her head. And I started to cry.

"Here, wrap her in this so she doesn't get too cold"

"I did it. I just had a baby" I cried

"She is so beautiful. Congrats Kitty" Wayo said while crying

"My baby. I can't believe you're here" I said while holding her closer to my chest.

"Congratulations" Beam said while placing another baby blanket on her.

"She's so perfect. How is she already so perfect" I asked

I looked down at my sweet baby girl and I just cried. I can't believe she's mine. 

Suddenly she started to scream.

"She looks just like her Daddy but it looks like she has your grumpy personality" Beam joked 

"I can't believe I gave birth in a car" I laughed 

"She's like her Daddy in that way" Wayo laughed 

"what do you mean?" I asked 

"Ming never told you?" He questioned 

"Told me what?"

"He was born in the back of a limo while his parents were on their way to a company party. I think he was also two weeks early" 

"I swear I'm going to kill him. Of course she would follow after him." 

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