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(Kit's POV)

When we got to the house Beam and Forth ran into each other's arms and acted like they haven't seen each other in years. They were literally apart for a single night. Wayo and Phana didn't want a baby shower so they invited close family and friends over for lunch. There were many 20 people here.

I scanned the room to see if Ming was here but there was no sign of him. Maybe he was in his room. I walked up the stairs and passed the rooms until I got to his door. We haven't seen each other in a while due to me freaking out over this baby.

How would I even tell him? Will he even want to see me since I basically ghosted him. I slowly opened the door and I saw this beautiful man sleeping. Knowing him he was going to sleep until the last possible moment. This is why he was always late to everything.

The soft snoring sound that he made gave me chills. My eyes traced his lips and jaw line. His beauty was unmistakable. His strong eyebrows and his soft brown hair only accentuated his looks. How did I get so lucky? How could a one night stand turn into a relationship? That chance meeting made me realize that I found the love of my life and the father of my child.

No I didn't want this to happen this soon in my life but once I heard the heartbeat I knew that there was no way I could give up on my child for the sake of my goals that could be obtained at a later date. I could always be a doctor but I knew that I couldn't get this baby back.

I reached my hand down to caress his face. I lowered my body to place a soft kiss on his lips. I haven't kissed him in a long time and I didn't realize just how much I missed feeling these soft lips touching mine.

"Is this a dream?" he said in a groggy voice

"Hello" I whispered in his ear

"Woah you're really here?" Ming said while touching every inch of my face to make sure that i was real and not a figment of his imagination

"Ming, I need to talk to you about something" I said

He sat up in his bed with a pained look in his eyes. "It's.....okay. Part of me f-figured you wanted to break up" his voice broke and he rolled over

Is that what he really thinks? Did my selfishness really cause him this much pain?

"No it's not that. I'm not leaving you" I replied

He rolled back over and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"I just want to apologize. I was going through stuff and I was being selfish. I thought I didn't need to speak with you and I hate myself for this. Trust me I hate myself and I won't be surprised if you hate me to" I was crying and he pulled me into a hug

"Love what are you talking about"

"yesterday......I......Um.....scheduled an abortion" I said as my voice tapered off

I looked back at him and I could see sorry in his eyes and his next words surprised me "Are you in pain. Do you want to lay down?"

I was expecting him to scream at me but instead he was concerned for me.

"No I'm not in pain......actually I didn't go through with it"

"What!?" he said surprised

"When I heard our baby's heart beat I just couldn't go through with it" I smiled. "i still hate myself for even attempting to do it in the first place. Do you hate me?" i asked

"I could never hate you. I won't lie, i was sad when you mentioned abortion but i know that this is your body and you have every right to do what's best for you"

"Gosh I love you" I said

"I love you too" he said while flashing that beautiful smile

"So we're going to be parents?" he asked

"Yes. we're going to be parents" I smiled and he wiped the rest of my tears out of my eyes

We sealed that conversation with a kiss and he pulled me into bed with him. I felt his hand trail down my body. Since I'm already pregnant I don't have to stop him to put a condom on. I'm so happy that I locked the bedroom door behind me. 

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