AePete special 2

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Ae's POV

I can't believe this is happening. After everything I and my beloved Pete went though, we are having a baby.

Pete went through fertility treatments but as a fail safe I signed us up to for the adoption services that Ming's family so graciously offered families in need.

Their hospitals would cover all the fees, run back round checks on the adoption agencies to ensure that they were legitimate and they would pay 6 months worth of the child's needs.

My beloved Pete suffers from a medical condition that causes him to have difficulty producing eggs. I know he went through the fertility treatments it even with his condition we were given a 30% change of him getting pregnant.

My heart would break if I saw my husband cry because he wasn't pregnant.

So this is why I did what I did. I prayed every night that we would get a baby.

So when 5 weeks ago I received a called from Vernon stating that there was a mother who couldn't keep her child due to financial struggles I held out hope. Hope that we would get to be the lucky people to adopt that child.

Vernon told me that the mother was in her second year of college and got pregnant. She didn't believe on abortion and the child's father didn't want to care for the infant. When she heard about his hospitals participating in a program to match children with adoptive families she decided to do research.

She saw that the hospital ran proper background checks and was happy know that her child would be on the hands of a couple that will Love and support them.

Vernon saw that Pete and I were on the list for adoption and went ahead and submitted an application on our behalf. The mother read through our file and decided that we were the ones that were chosen to be the parents of her son.

I met her once and told her mine and Pete's story. She cried and thanked me for sharing something so vulnerable with her. She opened up about the child's father and how he was manipulating her there whole relationship but even with how badly he treated her, she didn't have the heart to end the life of her child.

3 days ago she gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

She held him, fed him and loved him. Honestly my heart broke for her. I knew she loved her baby and that giving him up was very difficult for her.

Often times people don't think about birth parents. They think that they're seeking a way out of parenting but to give up your own flesh and blood to strangers is a difficult and heartbreaking decision.

I waited by my cell phone. I so badly wanted to tell Pete what was going on. It if something happened and we didn't end up with a child I knew it would break him.

So I kept it a secret. The only one that knew about what I was doing was my new father, Vernon.

He was there for me. He opened up about how he felt during the adoption process of Wayo. Wayo was already a teenager when he and his wife sprite adopted him, but he said they would cry at night while they waited for the judge to approve their adoption.

How the moment they realize he needed a home that they wanted him as their son. Vernon even opened up to me how even though Pete and I are adults, he and his wife felt the same way. They petitioned the courts to have our names added to their family registry.

Although I felt sad that they went through that, I was happy knowing that I had someone to talk to. Someone that knew what I was going through.

So when I finally got the call, the one saying that legally I was now the proud father of a healthy 3 day old baby boy I cried. I fell to my knees and thanked the heavens above.

And now here I am, driving 30 miles per hour on a 35 lane with a beautiful sleeping baby in the back seat. He's is nuzzled comfortably in his car seat and we're on our way to meet his mama.

When I finally parked the car, I saw Pete's car on the driveway. I carefully got out and unlatched the infant car seat and opened the front door to meet the love of my life.

There were no words exchanged. Pete saw the car carrier and began to cry.

"Ae, is that?...." he said not able to finish his sentence

"Pete, this is our son. He was born 3 days ago and as of today he is legally ours."

"How? How did this happen? Can I hold him?" He asked

I carefully unbuckled our baby from his seat and Pete immediately ran to the kitchen to wash his hands. He sat down on the sofa and I place our baby on his chest

"When you went for your treatments, I signed us up for the adoption services. I know I should have said something but I wanted to wait. Are you mad at me?" I asked softly

I looked at my husband and watched as he kissed our newborn on the forehead and held him close.

"How could I be mad? You did something amazing and now we have a son. God I'm so happy. Thank you so much" he cried

"We have a son. He's ours. No one can take him from us." I said while handing Pete a soft blanket to cover our child with.

"He's perfect. I love him already. Thank you Ae. We'll love him, care for him and teach him everything. Especially how to be a big brother" Pete said while cuddling closer to our baby

"Big brother!?" I asked confused.

"I know it's still early, but I went to the doctor today with Ming. Turns out I'm pregnant."

"You're pregnant? Wait we're having another baby?" I asked in disbelief

"Yes! We're having another baby. We went from it being just us to now having two perfect children"

"Wow. Luck is finally on our side"

"It really is. Now get me the computer. We have to start shopping. Our son doesn't even have a room and our baby need a nursery." Pete laughed

"I can't believe we're going to have 2 babies. This is a miracle"

"Ae, what's our son's name?" He asked

"I didn't give him one. I wanted you to name him love" I said

"Hmm how about Sarawut? I like it means thanks or thankful." Pete said

I kissed my beloved Pete on the lips and kissed my newborn son on the cheek. "It's a perfect name. Sarawut Intouch."

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