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I finished with my bath and now I'm trying to figure out what to wear. These days nothing feels right but today was the first day of college and I had stuff to do before my first class. We weren't going to our college's orientation today because Forth told his friends we were busy and had stuff to do before class. We actually lied about having stuff to do because Ming didn't finish his summer work and I knew I wanted more time to digest everything before starting college.

I had finally settled on an oversize long sleeved and some joggers. This just felt right. I didn't feel self conscious and no one would notice my growing stomach. While walking past my mirror I raised my shirt just enough to see my stomach. Even though nothing was that noticeable yet I still felt like people would be able to tell that i was pregnant and I don't want anyone to know. I don't want to be known as the pregnant freshman.


2 months ago

I woke up feeling sick. Maybe it was just the flu or a stomach bug from overeating last night. I don't know why I ate that much but I felt so hungry.

I walked down stairs and Forth was attempting to use his new coffee machine. Ming broke the last one and replaced it with this fancy one.

"Dammit Ming. How does this one even work? Why couldn't you just buy me a simple coffee maker. Where do you even put the coffee in this thing?" Forth yelled

Ming sat down and rolled his eyes and tossed the information booklet at Forth's head. I was in the process of making my usual egg and cheese omelette but something didn't smell right. I felt like I was going to get sick off this smell so I tossed them.

"Was something wrong?"

"Yeah. the eggs just smelled off. I don't want to get sick." I said

"Hmmm the date says their still good, maybe they spoiled" Ming said

"Aha! Finally. I have coffee" Forth said happily "and no way are they spoiled. I had some this morning. They're fine."

As Forth was brewing the coffee, I noticed how great it smelled. I never liked coffee but the smell today was really good. When the pot stopped brewing I poured myself a cup and took a sip. I've never tasted something so good. My whole body filled with warmth. As I turned around Forth and Ming looked at me with confusion.

"Are you okay Yo?" He asked

"What do you mean?"

"Well normally you don't drink coffee." Forth interjected

Forth was right. I don't like coffee. In an attempt to defend myself "Well I'm going to college. I'm trying new things" as I said that I almost fainted.

"Woah....." Ming caught me. He put his hand on my forehead "You are feeling a bit warm maybe we should take you to the clinic"

"Yeah it's better to be on the safe side and afterwards we have to go downtown to meet mom and dad. They're finally back in the country and we're having lunch with them, remember." Forth interjected

"Oh god. Yeah I better go before lunch otherwise Auntie and Uncle will probably fly me to switzerland to get the best medical care. When I had a simple ear infection last summer they flew in the country's best Ear Nose and Throat Dr." I said remember the ordeal

"Haha I still can't believe they did that to me when I sprained my ankle or that time they hired the country's best plastic surgeon to give Forth 2 stitches when he sliced his pinky trying to cut an onion." Ming laughed

"Haha right? Then mom and dad always say.....Only the best for my kids." Forth said as he sipped his coffee


The hospital and it's walk-in clinic was only a few blocks away so we all walked. The breeze felt nice on my skin. I hope I'm not sick. The last thing I need is to get the flu over summer vacation. When we arrived I checked in and the three of us waited, but of course the wait wasn't long since the staff knew the three of us and they also knew that Auntie and Uncle donated the money to build this place since the nearest one was a 40 minute drive and once they started traveling out of country they wanted us to have the best medical care. When I was called to one of the patient rooms, Ming and Forth followed. I don't mind them coming because we're basically brothers at this point. Their parents literally call me their son.

"Hi there, I'm Dr. Kongthanian. But you can call me Dr. Park. So what seems to be the issue here?"

"Well I woke up with a headache and I'm nauseous" I explained

"How often has that been happening?"

"About a week now" I said

Ming took a break from his phone and said "Don't forget the fainting spell"

"Oh yeah and I almost fainted today"

"Hmmm anything else" I noticed Dr. Park writing down some notes

"Well I've been feeling warm and today I drank coffee but normally I don't want it. And when I was cooking the smell of the eggs made me feel sick even though they weren't spoiled." I said

Dr. Park raised an eyebrow "I think I know what the problem is but let me run some test okay"

He drew some blood and told us that they have a rapid test that will take about an hour and that if we wanted we could wait here. After an hour of googling my symptoms and Ming and Forth trying to convince me that I wasn't dying Dr. Park walked back in with a machine.

"Oh god, I'm dying aren't I?"

"Haha no you're not dying. But a congratulations is in order" he said

Forth, Ming and I looked around the room in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Congratulations, you're pregnant"

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