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Phana's POV

"Love can you sit please down?"

"No we have so much left to do before she's born. We still have to clean the house, her nursery is barely finished. All she has is the rocking chair forth built and we still need to decide her name" He sad as he was running around trying to clean everything

"But you're 32 weeks pregnant you need to relax"

"P'Pha I love you but don't tell me to relax. You're not pregnant, you don't have the need to nest."

"Okay Love, I'm sorry go back to your cleaning. If you need me I'll be in the kitchen"

"While you're in there can you cut me some fruit? Our daughter is craving watermelons, mangos, apples, grapes and pears with a side of ranch." He asked 

"Of course my love" 

I walked in the kitchen and started trying to cut this fruit. The front door opened and Forth let out a yawn. "Ugh I came here to get away from a pregnant person's nesting and now you're doing it too" He said to Wayo before making his way to the kitchen 

"Beam's at it too?" I asked

"Yes. Ever since we found out that we're having  boy's, he's been non stop cleaning. He's only 20 weeks but Dr. Earth said since he's carrying twins he'll probably give birth around 36 weeks. I can't even tell you how many times he mopped the floors and attempted to rearrange the furniture in the pool house." Forth complained 

"The babies aren't even here yet and they act like they need to clean every square inch of the place every day. Now there's more cleaning especially since your parents added on to the house so that their granddaughter has a playroom" I laughed 

"I know. When we announced the genders to mom and dad, Beam made one comment about the pool house being too small and my parents sent us on a week long baby moon and when we got back there was 2 extra bedrooms and another bathroom" He groaned 

"I was going to text you about that but Wayo threatened to name our baby after a one piece character so I kept my mouth shut." I said

"Let this be a lesson to you both, use condoms" Ming interjected from the kitchen table

"Say that again and I'll have to find a new godfather for my daughter" I said while throwing a grape at his head

"I have two nephew's on the way so I know I'll be someone's godfather" Ming laughed

"Just watch this will be you in no time. watch when Kit get's pregnant" Forth said

"Hey leave me out of this. I'm trying to study. Don't wish a pregnancy on me" Kit said finally getting his face out of that textbook

"Hey if it does happen at least you know my parent's will be happy" Ming laughed

"Say that again Ming and I would let you touch me until these kids are birth and married" Kit yelled

"I'm sorry I take that back. Don't punish me" Ming said while pretending to cry

"You act all tough but one sentence from Kit and you're put back in your place. You're so whipped" I laughed

"P'Pha can you help me move the couch i don't like that it's not centered to the tv" Wayo yelled

"This is the 3rd time I moved that couch" I complained "I'll be right there"

"Whose whipped now" Ming laughed


Forth's POV 

I went back into the pool house and I went into our bedroom and saw Beam asleep on the bed. He must be so exhausted. He managed to finish his classes early but he said he wanted to stay home with the kids once he gives birth. I hate to think that he would be alone with them so applied to some jobs that I could do remotely once I graduated.

He just looks so peaceful and I still can't believe he's carrying our sons. I see how hard one baby is on Wayo so I can't imagine how Beam feels carrying 2 babies. He's seriously the most amazing man ever and I just love him so much.

I slip into bed next to him and place a head on his stomach. I feel like baby B is going to be a kickboxer like his uncle Ming because all he does is kick, especially when I place my hand on Beam's stomach. Baby A is so relaxed and all he does is turn every so often. He must get that from Beam since Beam is always quiet.

I place a kiss on his forehead and cover us with a blanket. I hold my family in my arms and drift off to sleep. 

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