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Wayo's POV

"Forth, Ming you're back. Did you bring food? The baby is hungry and I don't want to cook" I yelled from the top of the stairs.

I walked down and I saw 2 people that I've never met before. "Hi I'm Wayo nice to meet you" I said as I held out my hand.

"Hi I'm Kit and he's my cousin Beam"

"And I'm Phana" I jumped scared because I didn't expect a third person. I turned around and I was shocked "You're the guy from the party" I said as tears welled up in my eyes

"W...what are you doing here?"

"It's a long story.....is there some place we can talk?" He said

"We'll give you privacy" Ming said. He walked upstairs and Kit followed him. Beam and Forth went to the back yard.

"Um...we can talk in my room" i said nervously


When we were in my room he sat down on my bed. I was nervous because the last time he was here we had sex and he got me pregnant.

"So how've you been?" He said to break the silence

I just started crying

"Hey are you okay?" He asked

I just ran into his arms and I could tell he was shocked with how sudden it was but I couldn't help it. I searched for this man. I dreamt about him. I felt his arms embrace me and we fell back on to the bed

"I......I'm sorry" I cried

"No it's okay"

"I just can't believe you're here. Are you real? Is this a dream?" I asked

"Haha yes I'm real" he brushed my hair with his fingers and I felt a chill rush over me

"It's just that the last time you were here.........we......" I hiccuped

"Yeah I know"

I got up from the bed and started pacing around my room "I have to tell you something but please don't hate me" before he had a chance to speaked I yelled "I'm pregnant and I'm keeping the baby. I don't want you to feel like you're forced to be a dad."

I felt myself cry "I don't even know you want this baby but I do and I just wanted to let you know. I'm sorry I didn't expect this to happen"

"I know about the baby" he said while he lifted my face to his

"What.......how?" I asked

"Long story short. Ming & Kit have been sleeping together since the party and when Ming told him to get money out of his wallet he found a picture of an ultrasound. Kit thought it was his but he arranged a sit down. We found it wasnt Ming's or Forth. I saw your twice and both times you were with them but by the time you were gone before I could get to you. They told me about you and the baby"

I smiled "you we're looking for me..............wait Ming lost the babys photo" by then I was pissed off. Damn these hormones

"Yes I was looking for you"


"Because.......I.....I'm pretty sure I love you"

With his words I started crying

"Was that too sudden do you not love me back?"

I didn't even answer him. I pushed him back down and placed a kiss on his lips. I could feel him kiss me back as he pulled me closer to him. At this moment I'm so happy. He was looking for me too. I took his hand and placed it on my stomach.

"Phana, say hi to your baby"

I could see tears in his eyes and with a smile he said "Our baby"

We spent the rest of the night laying in my bed and learning everything we could about each other.

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