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Ming's POV

"Ming are you sure that this is where you want to have sex?" Kit asked

I love how sweet and endearing he is but honestly I need him to let loose. I need him to pull my hair but my skin and pound into me.

"Yes Kit. Please forget all your worries. Just use my body. Cum as many times as you want and get me pregnant" I replied

"You don't have to ask me twice love."

Part of me wanted to regret my words when Kit decided to enter me without lube but I sucked it up. I don't care that this hurts. My only mission is to please Kit and to get pregnant.

I bit hard on my bottom lip when I felt Kit sink deeply into me. Damn he feels so good. He is showing no signs of slowing down. But honestly I can't complain.

I know on the outside I look like the stereotypical top. I'm taller and more muscular than Kit, but I want him to take my body. I want him to make me to submit to him and cum inside me. I want to show the work that I got fucked and as a result my stomach grows with the seed of my one true love.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt my KitKat pitch my nipples to while Cumming deeply inside of me

"When I get you pregnant I'm
Going to drink from you. I'll
Show your body that it's mine and that I get to take what I want. Do you like that my sweet ming?" He asked

Just hearing the tone of his voice was enough to make me explode on the desk beneath me.

"Please kit. No teasing. Get me pregnant. Fuck me good. Show the world that I bottomed for you. Let them all know that you took my hole and came deeply." I moaned

"Wow Ming. You're such a slut. You made me call you daddy when we first fucked but seeing you know makes me want to force you to call me daddy."

Hearing him say such delicious words while I was on the cusps of Cumming was enough for to make me explode. I felt him shoot his beautiful thick white creamy cum inside my hole.

I prayed to the gods above that we made a baby

I was cut from my thoughts of what happened 5 weeks ago, when I heard Pete cry.

I met him during a meeting for those suffering with infertility. He and his husband Ae were the only ones that didn't have smart remarks towards mine and Kit's relationship.

Some of the people in our group are upset that I was even there. They believe that because kids can see that my feelings of infertility were invalid because I had spouse who could give me children.

What they don't understand was having a spouse or give birth to children versus you who couldn't or two completely different things.

Ae and Pete understood us. They didn't judge us or hated us. I quickly gravitated towards their friendship because they didn't judge me they didn't hate me and I didn't ridicule me.

A few times I invited them over to our house and I got to meet my beautiful daughter Rose and they were so happy but also they understood how I felt.

It was then that I told them that my parents were going to pay anyone to get fertility treatments. Both of them were crying and were so grateful that I was able to use my social status to bring light to an issue that many couples try to hide themselves from.

No matter the hardships that I faced, I am thankful that this is my life. Even if I'm not pregnant, I still paved the way to allow others to hav ether shot at conceiving a child.

I was interrupted yet again from my thoughts by another doctor. I want not to go to the doctor that my parents employed because I didn't want him to know my personal medical information in regards to conceiving a child.

I decided to have Pete tag along because while I was having my moment with Kit in his  the office Pete was having a moment with Ae in Ae's office.

Pete and Ae decided to get fertility injections to help their chance to have a child.

Now here we both are in a private location to determine if we were pregnant.

I decided that Pete should go first because he is older than me. Before the test was conducted he held my hand and together we prayed.

The doctor put a clear gel on his stomach and used a wand to see the inside of his uterus.
Before ether of us could ask questions, the beautiful sound of a heart beat echoed in the room.

On the screen before us, we saw an adorable little peanut wiggling about.

"Looks like you're about 8 weeks pregnant. The fact that there's a heart beat is a good sign. However since you have a history of miscarriage I suggest you remain on bed rest. I will give you supplements to help with the child's grow."

"Wait so I'm pregnant?" Pete asked

The doctor confirmed his diagnosis and we cried. Both of us we so happy. Pete and Ae have been waiting for years to have a child and now they have one.

When it was my turn to have an ultrasound I was really nervous.

The only thoughts that went through my hard work but if I wasn't pregnant I would if I was in there was no heartbeat detected.

The doctor used the special bond on my stomach after and I am immediately cried.

Have to wait for the doctor to tell me the results I looked at the screen and I just knew.

"Wow there seems to be a lot of activity here. It seems to me like you're 8 weeks pregnant with triplets. All have active movements and strong heart beats." The doctor said with a smile

"8 weeks? But Ming and I got had sex 5 weeks ago after getting a 10 on the fertility test." I said

"Did you have sex before you go the score of ten?" The doctor Asked

I shook my head to signify yes

" all those tests go off of the bodies hormones. if you were already pregnant while taking the test the test would show a perfect score. So judging by the gestational rate of these children you are eight weeks and two days pregnant congratulations."

Pete jumped for joy when hearing the news and I cried.

These were happy tears.


I am pregnant.

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