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Kit's POV

Did he really just tell me the one thing that I told him to keep secret?

"Yes you did. You said she. I thought I told you to rip up the paper"

"I did, after I looked at it first" he said while looking away from me and twiddling his thumbs

"Wayo, I said I wanted to wait to know" I complained

"Please, I may have not known you long but I've known you long enough to see that you wanted the gender kept hidden just to rile Ming up" he laughed

Okay so he wasn't wrong. I just wanted something to hold over Ming's head when he annoys me

"So.....my baby is a girl?" I asked

"Yes. That's why I wanted to see you. Your niece is growing like a weed and here are some clothes that she outgrew. Your daughter can use them and they can be put to good use instead of collecting dust in the attic." he said while handing me a pile of infant clothes

"Thank you for the clothes. But don't tell Ming that this baby is a girl. He's a good man but he bothers me sometimes so as punishment he still has to wait to find out." I warned him while getting up from the bed and trying to find a place to hide the girl's clothes since we agreed to only buy gender neutral clothes.

A girl.......I'm having a girl. Ming and I are having a daughter. In just a few short weeks we will get to meet our princess. i caressed my stomach and smiled at the thought of my daughter. I know I love my baby but finding out the gender only made me fall more in love with my child. 

My thoughts were interrupted when i heard Wayo speak again "Isn't this exciting? Nami and the twins are going to be so happy to meet their little cousin. No to mention that sweet girl will get spoiled just as much as the rest of these babies by Auntie and Uncle"

I smiled at the thought of meeting my baby. i felt happy knowing that she will have so many people that will love her. "yeah I can't wait. It would be cute to see them all together. Nima, Third and Rome are so big already and all look adorable. she will look so tiny next to them"

"I know. They're so cute." 

"I wonder what my baby will look like?" I asked

"Lord knows if your daughter gets your looks and Ming charisma the two of you will have grey hairs the moment she's in preschool when all the little boys want to share their snacks with her " he laughed

"She better not accept a single snack! She will be too young to be corrupted by boys. She will have her own snacks. She won't date until she's 50. Plus she's already practicing her boxing in the womb. If a boy even comes near her she'll learn how to drop kick him" I complained

"With Ming as a father I doubt he'll even let her breath the same air as a boy that isn't family. He might even train Rome and Third to be her bodyguards when they're in daycare together. He's already a protective uncle, when we went to the grocery store with Nami in the stroller and when Ming saw a toddler look at her he glared at him. The little boy was maybe 3 years old." Yo laughed

"Sounds like something Ming would do." I laughed "How are you and Phana so calm with having a girl?" I asked

"She can't even crawl yet and P'Pha is already looking at all girl high schools because he said that highschool boys will make her cry." he signed "my poor baby will have no suitors when she's older because P'Pha will scare them all away. He said she can stay with us and have cats instead"

I laughed because I could see Phana do just that. We continued talking until we heard Ming return and call from downstairs to let us know that the food was here

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