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I ran home after the appointment. I broke down at the front door feeling guilty and hating myself. Ming and Forth ran down the stairs and picked me up.

"Wayo what's wrong" Forth asked

"I......I....couldn't....." I said through my tears

Forth pulled me into his arms and I felt safe.

Ming was crying too "it's okay Wayo. We are here for you. It's okay to cry after having said goodbye" I looked at him confused "We read about that pill they give you if you're early enough. So we stayed home to help you" Ming said

I was happy to know that they were here for me if I had taken the pills. But they needed to know that I decided to keep my baby.

"Ming......I....I" I kept crying

The two of them guided me to the sofa and Forth got me some water. I finally calmed down

"So what will happen. What should we expect are you in pain" forth asked

"What?" I said in confusion

"I read the side effects of the pill. If you're in pain you can tell us" Forth nodded along to Ming's words

"Ming, Forth" they both sat up "I couldn't do it. Dr. Park took another ultrasound of the baby and I got to hear the heartbeat. I started to cry because I knew I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill my baby. My baby shouldn't die because I had a one night stand."

Ming hugged me and started to rub my back because I started to cry again "And Then I felt guilty because my first thought was to kill it" I started to cry again "why......why did I think that way? What kind of Father things that way about his own baby"

"Wait so you didn't get an abortion? Ming asked

"No......i'm keeping it......I'm keeping my baby" I declared with a smile

As soon as I said that I heard a scream. We all turned and it was Auntie and Uncle. I was scared now. Were they going to kick me out? Will the baby and I be homeless? Auntie and Uncle started to walk toward me and Ming and Forth stood up to try and protect me against their parents. Auntie started to run towards me and pushed them out the way. She grabbed me and I thought she was going to shake me half to death

"Oh my god...Oh my god!!!!!!!!.............Honey, did you hear that? We're going to be grandparents" auntie said

Uncle's face was hard, you could tell he was trying not to cry.

"We were going to leave to go to America today but decided to stop by first. And now look. Our family is growing" she said as she twirled around the living room

"Wait...Auntie you're not mad?" I asked

"Mad, why would we be mad? A baby is a blessing. So how far along are you? Is the father bullying you? We have a private body guard force that will protect you if you need it." She declared and unlocked her phone ready to call if needed

"There's no need Auntie.......I don't know him" i said as I hung my head in shame

"What do you mean you don't know him?" Uncle asked

"It was......a.....one night stand" I cried

"Oh okay.......well nevermind that. To be honest when i got pregnant with Forth i knew your uncle all of 2 hours and then we went our separate ways. A month later we found each other again and I told him the news. I half expected him to deny our baby but he was so excited. Then when little Forth was born I was the one that was sad. I carried him for 42 weeks, had the worst heart burn and gained 70in just for him to come out as a clone of his father" Auntie fake cried

I was shocked that Forth was a result of a one night stand as well.

"How far along are you? We need to start preparing for this baby" Uncle said

"Six weeks" I went into my back pocket and pulled out my wallet. I gave Auntie the newest photo of the baby.

"Honey look...look at this. It's our grand baby" Auntie smiled

Uncle walked over and smiled as he looked at the ultrasound "hopefully it's a girl. We have our sons but this family needs a princess. Wayo I'm going to make some calls so you get the best prenatal care around" Uncle walked away and began calling people

"I'm going to be an uncle, Forth even though you were the one night stand Baby out of us, i guess you can be the second favorite uncle." Ming joked

Forth got walked over to me and gave me a hug "Congratulations Wayo"

At this moment I felt so happy. Even though this baby won't have a father he or she is already loved by so many people.

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