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I woke up to the alarm on my phone ringing. I've already pressed silent a few times in hopes of getting more sleep but this is the last alarm set if i want to make it to school on time.

This is the last year of college for me and I can't wait for it to be over and done with. I didn't even want to attend college in the first place but all I ever heard from my grandfather during my senior year of highschool was "Phana everyone in our family goes to college, it keeps the family name in good standing"

I always did what my grandfather wanted and he knew that. When I told him I wasn't going he bribed me with my own condo. My grandfather was on the committee and our family donated the most amount of money during the fundraisers so I was able to get special permission to have my own campus condo during freshman year even though they were only for seniors and exchange students.

I finally grabbed my phone to stop the excessive beeping of the alarm and I saw 10 missed calls and 17 unread messages. Most were from Kit who was a stickler for getting to class on time. I always put my phone on do not disturb mode so that I won't hear messages or calls and I can just sleep. If only that thing worked for alarms. Ever since my number became public I get texts and calls from half the campus. Maybe I should change it.

As I'm about to get out of bed I hear a bang at my door.

I looked at the time, It's 8am who the hell is knocking so loud?

As soon as I opened the door Kit bum rushed past me, almost knocking me over and Beam was his usual quiet self. He followed Kit like a shadow and honestly if I didn't grow up with them I would have assumed they were a couple.

"Why the fuck have you been ignoring my calls. I told you we had to get to campus early because we were in charge of the new students. Your idiot self made us volunteer for this before summer vacation because the teacher said we would get a passing grade. Next time just study like the rest of us. Now you're going to make us late" Kit yelled

I was still rubbing the sleep off my eyes and yawned. God I need a coffee and some ibuprofen

"What the hell, you're not even dressed and you smell like booze. Judging by all the empty beer cans that you have lying around here you had a party for one" Kit yelled while waving his arms around

"Kit can you not yell. My head hurts. Beam can you control him" I asked

With his deep black eyes, Beam stared into my soul and shook his head. That look gave me chills. Even though he barely spoke Beam's eyes could always find a way to yell at people

"Don't tell him to control me" Kit said as he smacked me across the head "Do you think I am an animal and he's a trainer that can tell me what to do?"

Beam was in the background shaking his head

"Alright alright I'll hurry and shower,  but since you two are hear do you mind cleaning up the beer cans for me" I asked

WACKKKKKK "just get ready" Kit yelled. Ow my head.


After getting out of the shower I took a look at my body. It was pretty decent. Not too small and I had the right amount of muscle without looking like I'm on steroids.  Most times when I take my shirt off during swim practice girls and guys would instantly swoon but honestly ever since that night I don't think I'll let their screams affect me. Before that night I loved the sound of people yelling my name but after that party whenever anyone asked for an autograph or a photo I felt more empty. Nothing seems to make me feel the way he did and I think my friends are starting to notice. The last few times we went out they asked if something was wrong because I was ignoring the girls who wanted to sit with us. Before him I would ask the waitress for a bigger table but lately I shut  them down with a cold hard no. But if he asked me I would push Kit off his chair and offer it as an empty seat. I don't know why he's on my mind.

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