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Phana's POV

My mind is racing. No one has come out to update me on Wayo's condition. All I can do is sit here and hope that everything is okay.

"He'll be okay son. Your father is the best OBGYN around" Dad says

"I called my parents and they are on the next flight out. Dad already called his police friends to make sure that asshole gets the maximum charge" Ming explained

"I can't believe it happened. He knew Wayo was pregnant before he attacked him. Why dad....why would someone do something so evil?" I cried into my Dad's chest

"There are some people who think same sex relationships are wrong. Your father and I faced it when I was pregnant with you and we hoped that you never had to deal with this"

"I just want Wayo and our baby to be okay. Is this punishment? Is this my fault?" I asked

"It's not your fault, don't think like that."

"Forth where the hell have you been" Ming yelled

"I'm sorry we were busy" he blushed

"So busy you couldn't answer you damn phone" Ming yelled

"Hey relax" Kit said while pulling me back down to sit

"What happened?" Beam asked

"Wayo got attacked at the mall. Some homophic asshole kicked his stomach and called him a fag" ming explained

"What the fuck. Is he okay? How's the baby?" Forth asked

"We don't know anything yet. My father is with him and hopefully he'll let us know soon"  I replied

"Beam where were you. I called and texted so many times" Kit asked

"We were busy" Beam Whispered

"What could be so important that you ignored our calls?" Ming yelled towards Beam.with tears in his eyes Beam got up and went outside.

"Ming you may be my brother but chill the fuck out and don't yell at Beam." Forth said defending his boyfriend

"The two of you need to relax. Forth put your brother in line and I'll get my cousin." Kit suggested


Kit's POV

"Hey. I just want you to know that Ming didn't mean any of that he's just upset" I said to beam

"Yeah I know. I'm just sensitive" Beam said

"Are you okay? This last month you've been distant. Is it your parents again? I asked

"No it's not them......it's something else" Beam said

"What is it?" I asked

"The reason we had our phones off..........we were here getting seen" he said

"You were her? What for?" I asked

Beam opened his wallet and took out a photo.

"What is this?" I asked

"It's an ultrasound" Beam replied

"What?" I said shocked

"Forth and I were here because I felt sick two weeks ago. I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. We came here today for confirmation. I'm still early but the ultrasound shows a sac. I have to come back in 2 weeks for another to check for a heart beat." He explained

"Wait so you're saying......."

"Yep I'm pregnant" he said

"Are we happy?" I asked

"Yes we are" Beam laughed

"Congrats! Now let's get back in"

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