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Ming's POV

"How are you feeling?" Kit asked me

I want to tell him the truth. I want to tell him that I'm disappointed in my body.

I had the test when I was 16 so I know I have the carrier gene. But after 6 months of trying to get pregnant I still haven't had a single positive test.

Is something wrong with me? I know Beam is still nervous about getting pregnant after his traumatic birth experience and who could blame the guy.

Wayo and Phana don't even have to try. Yo gets pregnant just by being in the same room as his P.

Zoro is barely 6 months old and he's already going to be a big brother. There was a whole commotion because Yo made it clear that he wanted to wait a few years before he had another baby.

He was on birth control and Phana was using condoms and according to you the one time the condom broke was all they needed for baby number 3.

They're even talking about moving out. Not far though, the place they picked is right across the street from here. But I get it.

They're now going to be a family of 5 and need their own space. But I can't help but be jealous. I love Yo, he's basically a brother to me, but why does he get to have 3 kids and Kit and I are only have one?

Kit said he'll carry if we need to but I declined. I want to be the one to have this baby.

It's just depressing feeling something like a symptom only to get a negative test. There was that one time here I was throwing up a few times a day for a week and I really thought I was pregnant.

But nope, turns out the orange juice I was adding to my smoothies was expired and I was having digestive issues.

I looked up at Kit and I told him I was fine.

"Are you sure? I don't have to go" he replied

"Kitty, Rose got invited to her first birthday party. What will all the other kids think when she doesn't show up? We get let our daughter fall off the social ladder already"

"Ming you do realize she's only 14 month olds. She too young to have a social life"

"Well she has to start somewhere, but keep those boys away from her. I don't need her catching cooties" I said seriously but somehow that made Kit laugh

All the kids attend the same baby gym and some boy had the audacity to invite my daughter to his party. Sure this is his first birthday but the mom specifically said that when she mentioned Rose's name, her son clapped his hands.

How dare he claps his hands for my daughter. I see right through his antics. Thankfully Mina and the twins were also invited so I know they have her back if those boys try to hold her hand or steal her snacks.

So that left Phana, Forth, myself and baby Zoro in the house. It's a warm day and Phana thinks it's time to put Zoro on the pool.

It was nice to see Zoro take to the pool. But I grew jealous when Phana and Forth started talking about their children. That sibling bond, the "I love how different they are" speeches.

Third and Rome were talking more, how they would blame the other if they did something wrong. How Rome was not very interested in toy cars and bike so Forth like to show him tools. Third is strictly a mini Beam. There's no if ands or buts about it. If you see Beam 99% of the time Third is right there. He's also jealous when he sees Forth kiss beam and has taken to calling beam "mama" since he hears Nami and Zoro call Yo mama.

Pha went on to talk about how happy his is that he a daughter and a son. How life wouldn't be complete without either of them.

When he found out he got Yo pregnant again My parents and Phana's parents were in shock. No one could believe that little Yo was  the one initiating sex. They all assumed it was Phana's doing but if only they knew they Pha couldn't even pour himself a glass of water without Yo trying to attack him.

When the Kids are awake Yo is as innocent as can be but as soon and their down Yo turns into a different person. Poor Phana can barely rest. I'm surprised that they only have 3.

But still I'm jealous. I want another baby so badly. I me ene thought that this would be something that I wanted but I really do. I imagine having a big belly and feeling mine and Kits child move. Although that child better not pull a Rose and start labor on the side of the road.

I was pulled out of my thinking When Forth came up to me

"Hey what's wrong? You seem down" Forth asked

Do I tell them? Maybe they can give me insight? They wouldn't judge me right?

"Just thinking about having another baby"

"It's about time!" Phana laughed while trying to get Zoro to splash

"Well we've be trying for 6 months now and so far nothing" I sighed

"Oh. Is Kit okay? My dad can take a look at him since he's the best OB in the country"

For a moment I was confused and then it hit me. Since he gave birth to Rose I guess they assumed that he would have the rest of our kids.

"Kit's fine. But maybe I should set up an appointment. The doctor I had last time barely listened to my concerns and said I was fine"

"Wait what?" Forth asked

"Oh, I'm the one that's trying to get pregnant but so far no luck"

"Why would you want to get pregnant?" Pha asked

"To have a baby. I thought that was obvious" I laughed

"Aren't you scared people will judge you?" Forth asked

"No and if they do the who cares. I'm not going to miss out on what's supposed to be a beautiful opportunity because someone has an issue with how I make my family"

"You're right. No it's no ones business. Honestly I thought when you guys mentioned Kit topping months ago that it was a joke." Forth asked

"We switch but lately it's been mostly me since I'm trying to get pregnant. You and Beam should try it. It's different from topping but it's actually feels really good"

"Aye I have a baby here, enough with the sex talk" Phana scolded

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"At first but then it's good. You should try it. I bet Beam would put you to sleep" I laughed

"I can't imagine Yo topping me." Phana said while covering Zoro's ears

"Yo would never. He's far to much of a bottom. I once suggested he try topping and he looked like he was going to get sick" Forth laughed

"But yeah I can have my dad set an appointment up for you, if there's anything wrong he can help." Phana replied

"Do you really think Beam would really want to top me?" Forth asked

"Probably. And who knows maybe you'll be the pregnant one" I laughed

"Aye you save that pregnancy jinx for yourself. There's no way I'm carrying a baby. Never going to happy" Forth declared

"Never say Never" Phana laughed while taking pictures of Zoro in his new pool float

"Don't jinx me. At least my next baby won't be named after an anime character"

"Don't reminded me. Yo already has names picked out. Kid for a boy and Nico for a girl"

"Wasn't Kid a villain?" I asked

"What! There's no way he's naming our baby after a villain."

We laughed at his reaction and watched as Zoro finally got the hand of splashing

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