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(Wayo's POV)

The guests were in the living and dining room and I retreated to the back yard. I can't stop crying. Io have all of this emotion in me and my heart physically hurts. I'm an online student but that didn't stop people from bullying me. All day today I've been getting messages from people calling me a tramp or a slut. Apparently I seduced P'Pha to trap him for money or they say that I was already pregnant and that the baby wasn't his. A few people went as far to say that I should fall down some stairs so P'Pha could be free of me and the baby.

Today was supposed to be such a happy day. Our closest family and friends were here to help celebrate the baby because when she's born I don't really want here around anyone until she's at least a month old. I don't want to risk her getting sick.

It's just so hard to be happy when there are so many people who hate me or are wishing harm on my baby. How could someone do that? She's just a baby.

"Love why are you here? Why do you keep crying? Are you having another craving" P'Pha asked

"I-Im fine" I whimpered

"Love you're not okay. What's the matter?" he asked while looking at me with those big brown eyes. Gosh I hope our daughter has those eyes.

I handed over my phone to him and as he scrolled through the messages I could see the hurt in his eyes. That hurt changed into tears and then he dropped my phone in the grass and hugged me. "Love why didn't you tell me this was happening?"

"I-I thought.....I-I could handle it on my own"

"Love. you're not on your own. You have me. I love you and we're in this together. Our daughter needs us to communicate everything so that we can raise her right. And this is a part of that. We can't have her seeing you cry." P'Pha said while holding my head in his hand

Gosh our daughter is so lucky to have him as her father. We ended up laying down on the grass and watched the clouds pass by.

"I love you so much and those people who are writing this stuff are jealous. They want me for my money. They want to climb up the social ladder. And they are evil for wishing death on you and our daughter."

Hearing him say that made me happy.

"I love you P'Pha"

"I love you too" he whispered

Just as I went to roll on my side I felt a pain.

"Ow" I groaned

"What's wrong?"

"She's kicking me really hard and my back hurts" why can't she just relax for once

"Do you want me to get my father?"

"No, let me wait this out. I still have 6 weeks so she better stay put"

"Love if she wants to come out today she will be here whether we like it or not" he said while kissing my belly

The pain subsided and felt relieved. I love my daughter and I want to see her but she still needs to grow. We still needed time to get things ready. She doesn't even have a name.

"Love as much as I want to lay here with you, we need to get back to the party."

"Fine, but can you help me. I feel like a whale and I cant get up"

"Love you're not a whale"

"Yes I am. I might as well jump in the pool" I groaned

"Well if you're a whale then you're my beautiful, my sexy, the father of my daughter, the love of my life type of whale." P'Pha said while helping me up and giving me a kiss

I don't know if I should kiss for saying all those sweet things or yell at him for agreeing that I look like a whale. 

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