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Beam's POV
*1 day later; at the hospital*

"Ming, can you relax?" I asked because he was pacing back and forth

"I'm trying, but I'm nervous. What if something is wrong? What if I can't have kids?" He said

"Ming, everything will be fine. I just know it." Wayo commented

"Yo, no offense but all you and Phana need to do is breath the same air, and you get pregnant. In less than 2 years of being together with Phana, you two are having your 3rd child. If you keep this up, you'll have your own army."

"I'll have as many kids, and he gives me. Sure, none of them were planned, but I'm happy." He laughed

"How are you feeling, by the way?" I asked

"No morning sickness. I only tested when I noticed I gained extra weight. I was mad at first, but then I couldn't blame P. We used a condom, which broke. I was supposed to go to the pharmacy, but I forgot to buy the morning after pill because I was busy with two kids and now here's the third"

"Please give me some of your luck." Ming sighed

"I still can't believe that you're going to carry a baby," I said

"What do you mean?" He asked

"Ming, if you hadn't noticed, you're a total top. Well, at least that's how you look. Out of the 3 of us, Beam is the only one that looks like a switch, but he's a bottom too" Wayo laughed

"Hey! I resent that statement. I've topped forth" I declared

"What!?" They both said in unison

"No way, my brother let you top. I didn't think he would take my advice" Ming laughed

"Hey, he initiated the whole thing. It was 6 weeks ago when we all drank. It was different. I didn't expect him to be so submissive." I laughed

"I could never stop. I wouldn't know that to do" Wayo laughed

"You should try it." I joked

"No thanks," he laughed

Before I could say anything, Phana's dad was in the room. We all decided to seek an appointment today. The perks of knowing the best OBGYN in the country is that we were able to get a direct appointment instead of having to wait for weeks.

Wayo was here for moral support, but knowing him, he'll try to get another scan to see his baby even though he and Phana were here for one 2 weeks ago.

Ming wanted a check-up to figure out why he was having trouble getting pregnant, and I defied that I was going to her an IUD because I hated using condoms and birth control pills.

Wayo was up first with his ultrasound. We were all in awe as we saw a tiny little bean wiggling on the screen. He measured 10 weeks. So that means Zoro was almost 5 months old when this child was conceived.

Honestly, when do those two find time for sex?

Next up was Ming. He had his blood drawn a few days ago, and the results were back. The reason he has trouble getting pregnant was that he has higher than normal testosterone levels.

It made sense that he had that since the guy was built like a sculpture. That's another reason was I was in awe that Kit was able to top. Ming is very muscular, and I could never picture someone as tiny as Kit, topping a beast.

But then again, who am I to judge. 6 weeks ago, I topped Forth for the first time. It was very unexpected, but I enjoyed it. I also might have taken advantage of the situation and called him my cock slut and other names, but in the moment, it was such a turn on.

Alcohol makes me turn into a Casanova, and I can get dirty with how I speak. The next morning I was embarrassed, but forth attacked me with kisses and told me that he enjoyed the things I said.

We decided that we would try it more often since we both liked it. I still can't believe I said those things, but I'm happy that he didn't judge me.

"Beam...Beam, are you listening?"

"I'm sorry, what?" I didn't realize that I spaced out, and Phana's father told me it was my turn to get an ultrasound.

"Why do I need one? I'm just here for my IUD," I said

"Well, since the IUD is a form of birth control that gets implanted in your uterus, I have to perform an ultrasound to make sure that there aren't any cysts or abnormalities. Plus, the IUD's come in different lengths depending on the size of your cervix. If I implant the wrong size, it could fall out or cause tearing." He explained

I got on the exam table and lifted my shirt. When the cool gel hit my stomach, I winced. It was cold, but it was significantly colder on my C-section scar.

I watched how confused Phana's dad looked. The screen was faced towards him, and I couldn't see what he saw.

I looked over to Ming and Wayo, and they looked concerned.

What if I had a cyst? I know some are harmless, but what if it ruptured and caused me pain?

"Well, I'm sorry to say this, but I can't offer you an IUD," he said

"Well, I read about the arm implant. Can't I just have one of those?" I asked

"Beam, I can't offer you any type of birth control, actually."

"What do you mean? This is my body, and if I want to have birth control, who are you to deny me!?" I half yelled

"Please do be offended" while still moving the ultrasound wand on my stomach, he turned the screen


"Impossible. We only had one time when Forth didn't use a condom, and I took the morning after pill that same day!"

"Well, judging by these two extremely active little ones, that morning-after pill didn't work. It looks like you're about 8 weeks pregnant."

"Ugh, no fair. I've been trying, and you two got pregnant the one time you didn't use protection. And it's twins again. I swear if these fertility pills don't work, I'm taking a baby from each of you" Ming laughed while pointing back and forth between Wayo and me

I wanted to cry. I didn't want to get pregnant. Since the twins were born, I was afraid. "What if my body couldn't carry these babies because of my past surgery" I cried

"Beam, I can see that you're nervous, but I can assure you that just because of what happened before. Your body has healed enough, and you're more than capable of carrying to term. But if it makes you feel better, I'll come over and check on your progress weekly."

"I'd appreciate that."

"Omg, Ming, you need to take those fertility pills and seduce Kit tonight. Phana and I will take care of Ross. Then the 3 of us can be pregnant together!" Wayo cheered

Part of me is excited, but I'm nervous. What if I lose these babies? How will I tell Forth? Does he even want more kids?

Maybe I should wait to tell him. Yeah, I'll do that. I'll wait until I'm 12 weeks to tell him. No, I can't do that; it's selfish. I'll tell him tonight.

Meanwhile, at the clinic near his house.

Forth's POV

"Well, judging by this ultrasound, you're about 6 weeks pregnant. You can pick up prenatal vitamins at the pharmacy, and here are copies of your ultrasound." the Dr said before exiting the room

I looked at the ultrasound and cried. I never expected to get pregnant, but I'm really happy. I just hope Beam is happy too when I tell him tonight.

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