Chapter 1 - A New Beginning or a Nightmare?

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Jessie hurried to pack her last things as she heard Colt's voice from the other side of the door. "Jessie, come out now!" he shouted impatiently.
He was her older brother and guardian, and he had decided that she should go to school with him this year.
Jessie had been homeschooled for most of her life, and she was not looking forward to the change.

"Coming!" she replied, zipping up her backpack and grabbing her uniform jacket.
She opened the door and saw Colt standing there, dressed in his school uniform and holding his car keys.
He looked at her with a stern expression and said, "Come on, or we are going to be late." Jessie nodded silently and followed him out of the house.

They got into Colt's car and drove to the school, which was a huge palace-like building surrounded by green lawns and tall trees.
Jessie felt nervous as she saw the other students walking in, chatting and laughing with each other.
She wondered if she would fit in or make any friends.

"Do I really have to come?" she asked Colt, hoping he would change his mind.
"Yes, you do," he said firmly. "You need to socialize more and learn from qualified teachers. I won't have enough time to teach you this year, I have too many classes and extracurricular activities."

Jessie sighed and looked out of the window. She knew Colt was busy and ambitious, but she wished he would be more understanding of her situation. Colt was the only family she had ever known, and he had taken care of her ever since.

They arrived at the school parking lot and got out of the car. Colt led Jessie to the main entrance and said, "So now we have to get the keys for our dorms. You can't choose your roommate, it's random."
"What?!" Jessie exclaimed, feeling a surge of panic. "You didn't tell me this! I thought I would have a room for myself! Or maybe share it with you!"
"Sorry, Jessie, but that's how it works here. I tried to talk to the principal about it, but he said no exceptions. Don't worry, maybe you'll get lucky and have a nice roommate."
Jessie doubted that. She didn't want to share her personal space with a stranger. She hoped it would be Nani, her best friend. They had a lot in common and understood each other.

They joined the queue at the secretary's office, where they received their dorm keys and room numbers. Jessie looked at hers and saw that it was 157, on the second floor.
"So what dorm are you in?" Colt asked her.
"157," Jessie said.
"81," Colt said. "On the first floor. Let's go to our dorms then."

They walked to the dorm building, which was a separate wing of the school. They parted ways at the stairs, with Colt going down and Jessie going up.

As Jessie climbed the stairs, she heard a familiar voice behind her. "Look who's there, Jessie the coward," it said mockingly.

Jessie turned around and saw Piper leaning against the wall.
She had bullied Jessie ever since she had known her, calling her names and spreading rumors about her.

"What do you want, Piper?" Jessie asked coldly.

"I thought you moved away or even died!" Piper said with a cruel laugh. "But I guess you're back to ruin everyone's day with your pathetic presence."

Jessie felt anger rising in her chest. She hated Piper with every fiber of her being. She wanted to say something back, but before she could, another voice intervened.

"Shut up now, Piper, or I'll make you," it said firmly.

Both girls looked at the source of the voice. It was Sandy, Jessie met him before she was homeschooled, he has always been very nice to her.

Sandy walked up to Piper and glared at her. Piper flinched and backed away. "Well then, bye Jessie coward," she said quickly and ran away.

Sandy turned to Jessie and smiled gently. "Are you okay, Jessie?" he asked.
Jessie nodded gratefully. "Yeah, thank you," she said.
"So you're going to school again?" Sandy asked, pointing at her dorm key.
"Yes, Colt forced me to..."
"I hope you enjoy it here," Sandy said sincerely. "Anyway, I gotta go to my dorm, see you later."
"Bye," Jessie said.

Sandy walked away, leaving Jessie alone. She continued to her room, hoping it would be better than she expected.

She reached the door with the number 157 on it. She inserted the key.

'I hope is this one' so she opened the door.

Hope you enjoyed this first chapter!
(Who gave blud a car *skull*)

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