Chapter 3 - A intresting start

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Third person POV

Leon spent the next 20 minutes unpacking his things and arranging them in his new dorm room.
He was too tired to think anymore. He decided to go to sleep before his first day. He crawled into his bed and pulled the covers over him. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Mom? Where are you?!"
Leon yelled and tried to pass through the crowd.
There were a lot of people, yelling and crying.
'What's going on?'
Leon was scared. There never was so many people at the end of a showdown.
He peeked through the crowd and saw some people whit an anti-gas mask exiting from a big door. There door when usually the people enter in the showdown.
Then one of the man took of the mask.
He was Gale.
He seemed confused.
"What the hell happend?! Where are the other brawlers? And why even if I win I couldn't spawn here?!" He yelled.
At his words another man spoke.
"We are sorry, but the respawn system broke during the showdown...
And so who died in the showdown can't respawn..."
Everyone was silent and shocked
"And this means..."
"That they're all dead"

He woke up with a start, gasping for air. He looked around, disoriented. He wished he could forget that moment.
He saw Jessie's bed still empty. He checked the clock on the wall.


He jumped out of his bed and scrambled to get dressed. He grabbed his chameleon hoodie and put it on.
He rushed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.
He ran down the hallway, dodging other students who were heading to their classes. He didn't know where he was going, but he hoped he would find his way somehow, as he always does.

As he turned a corner, he collided with someone. It was a girl with white hair and razor-sharp teeth. She fell to the ground with a thud.
"Sorry!" Leon said quickly, helping her up. He didn't wait for her response and continued running.

The girl watched him go, feeling a surge of interest. So that was Leon? The famous brawler who could turn invisible? She had heard so much about him, but she had never paid him much attention before.
She grinned wickedly at her thoughts. Maybe she should start stalking him too... Yes, that was a brilliant idea! She decided to keep an eye on him, just in case.

Her name was Colette, and she was obsessed with collecting things from other brawlers.


Meanwhile, Jessie sat in class, waiting for the teacher to arrive. She had woken up early and decided to check out the school facilities. She was amazed by how big and modern everything was. There were labs, gyms, arenas, libraries, and more. She couldn't wait to try them all out.
Yet, her mind wandered back to Leon. In her opinion he had some sort of mysterious aura around him that piqued her intrest somehow.
She wondered where he was and hoped he didn't oversleep.

She snapped out of her thoughts when a girl sat next to her.
She had messy brown hair and wore a bear hat on her head. Next to her was a large brown bear that looked fierce but friendly.

Jessie's robo-dog Scrappy whimpered slightly and crawled onto her lap. He was scared of big animals.

'The teacher is late,' Jessie thought.
"Hi there!" The girl next to her exclaimed loudly. "I'm Nita! What's your name?"
"I'm Jessie," Jessie replied politely.
"Is that your dog?" Nita asked, pointing at Scrappy.
"Yeah, he's my robo-dog," Jessie said proudly.
"Cool! Did you build him yourself?" Nita asked eagerly.
"Yes, I did-"

Jessie was interrupted by the teacher walking in.

"Good morning, everyone," she said in a stern voice. "Some of you may already know me, but for those who don't, I'm Mrs. Rosa, your biology teacher. So today we are going to learn about..."

And then the lesson began.


Leon hated this lesson. It was boring and useless. It was taught by Mr. P, a pompous penguin who claimed to be an expert on showdowns. He lectured them on how to use their weapons and strategies in various scenarios, but he never let them practice or have fun.

He also had a bunch of annoying penguin minions who followed him around and did his bidding. They were always spying on them and reporting their every move.

Leon wished he could skip this class and go somewhere else. Somewhere exciting and adventurous. Like the showdown or bounty arena.

Suddently he heard a ring. It came from Max's smart-watch. She was Super City's hero.
She looked at her watch and frowned. She whispered something to Surge, Super City's protector.

Super City was the place where all the action happened. It was a huge metropolis that was constantly under attack by villains and monsters. It was also the home of Max and Surge, a duo of elite brawlers who defended the city and fought for its justice.

Leon admired them so much. They were brave and powerful and cool.

They both raised their hands and asked for permission to leave.

"Mr. P, we have to go," Max said urgently. "Super City is in danger."
"No, you are staying here," Mr. P said firmly. "Super City can wait. This lesson is more important."
Max gave him a look of disbelief and frustration. She sat back in her seat, muttering under her breath.

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