Chapter 21 - I'm gonna find out the truth!

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Max felt a knot in her stomach as she replayed the scene from the sleepover in her mind. 

She saw Leon's face twisted with anger and jealousy as he watched Sandy and Jessie during the movie.
She heard his voice, cold and bitter, when she asked him if he had a crush on Jessie.
Why did he lie to her? They were friends now, weren't they? She thought he could confide in her anything.
She wanted to understand him better, to help him if he was hurting, that's hat heroes do!

"Max? You look like you're miles away. Is everything okay?" Surge asked, noticing her distant expression. He had a keen sense of when something was wrong with her.
She blinked and focused on him.
"Huh? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about something." She tried to sound casual.
"Thinking about what? You can tell me, you know." He pressed, sensing her unease. He was not used to seeing her so troubled, and it worried him.
She sighed and decided to spill the beans. She trusted Surge, and maybe he could offer some insight.
"It's about Leon. During the sleepover, when we were all sleeping he told me he didn't like Jessie, but he looked so mad when he saw them together during the movie. I don't get it. What's going on with him?" She poured out her confusion, hoping for some clarity.

Surge wrapped his arms around her in a comforting hug, squeezing her gently. 

"Don't stress about it, Max. Maybe he's just confused himself. Maybe he doesn't know how he feels yet." He tried to reassure her.
"Maybe. But why didn't he tell me the truth? Don't I look like someone he can trust? How can I be a good hero if I can't even read my friends?" She wondered aloud, feeling frustrated.
"Hey, hey. You're a great hero and a great friend. Don't doubt yourself." Surge said softly. "Thanks." Max smiled weakly.
"Now come on, eat something. You've been living on energy drinks all day." He nudged her plate towards her.
"What can I say? They're my favorite!" She exclaimed, grabbing a can.

'I'm gonna find out the truth!'


"YES YES YES! THIS IS THE PERFECT SHOT!" Colette's voice pierced the air. She had snapped a photo of Surge and Max hugging, and was ecstatic about it.
"Will you keep it down? You've been screaming since the first period." Edgar glared at her, still annoyed by how she had ruined his introduction to the new students.
"Oh, are you still mad about that? How boring." Colette rolled her eyes.

Flashback to the first period: Brawl ball field.

"Hi everyone! I'm Otis!" The first new student introduced himself cheerfully.
"So, Otis, would you like to show us your abilities?" The teacher asked.
"Well, I would love to, but I need some special equipment for that." Otis explained apologetically.
"That's okay. We'll arrange that for another day. Now, let's welcome our second new student: Edgar. Come on up and tell us about yourself." 

Edgar reluctantly stepped forward and faced the class.
'Like I have a choice' he thought bitterly. 

"GO EDGAR! YOU'RE AWESOME!" Colette shouted from the crowd, making him cringe.

"Hi, I'm Edgar and I like... parkour." He said quietly.
"Very good. And what are your abilities?" The teacher prompted. 

"SHOW THEM THE JUMP! THE JUMP!" Colette yelled again, not helping at all. 

"I can do this." Edgar clenched his fists and punched the air, making his scarf flutter behind him.

"Aww you didn't know that back then."
Edgar resisted the urge to go over there and slap some sense into her. 

"And this." He jumped high in the air and landed gracefully on the ground, using his hand to balance himself.

"Wow, impressive! You can go back to your seat now." The teacher applauded. 

"YAY! MY BEST FRIEND IS SO COOL!" Colette cheered loudly. 

Best friend? Cool? No way. He didn't want anyone to think they were friends when it was the exact opposite.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I was going to post a spoiler on Discord, but I decided to write the entire chapter instead. Thank you so much for 5k views on this book! ^^

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