Chapter 34 - Lies

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The bell rang with a loud clang, signaling the end of the class. Leon grabbed his backpack and headed for the door.

He walked silently in the busy hallways.
He now had even more questions than before.

The things Colt said to him felt too... familiar.


Meanwhile, outside the classroom window, two other students were spying on the trio with binoculars and microphones.

"Oh no." Colette gasped, as she heard Colt spill the beans to Leon.
"OH NO." She repeated, louder.
"NONONONO." She screamed, dropping her binoculars.

Her plan was going to fail. He now knew the truth.

"Edgar! We have a code red! Call everyone!" She ordered, grabbing her phone.
"What? What's going on?" Edgar asked, confused and startled.

Colette had a plan. A twisted and evil plan. She wanted to get Leon and Jessie together, not because she cared about them, but because she wanted to see them suffer. She wanted to see the pain and shock on their faces when they realized that they were actually childhood friends who had forgotten each other. She wanted to see them break up and cry.

She was a psychopath who enjoyed hurting people. She hated the world and everyone in it. She hated herself.

She had a reason for that. A dark and tragic reason. She had lost someone she loved. Someone who was like a mother to her.

She wanted revenge on the cruel world that took her away from Colette. She wanted to destroy them all.

She had been manipulating everyone behind the scenes, pulling the strings and setting the stage for her final act. She had been using her charm, intelligence and skills to get close to everyone and gain their trust. She had been hiding her true nature and intentions from everyone.

Her group of friends who thought she was a nice and fun girl. They were all part of her plan, whether they knew it or not.

Colette had framed Piper's mother for a crime she didn't commit.

Colette had used Edgar as her partner in crime, but also as her target. She had tried to eliminate him, but failed. She will try again and again, until she succeeded.

Surge and Max, the heroic and adventurous duo who fought against monsters and villains. Colette had created those monsters and villains herself that they fought against daily, using her scientific genius and resources.

Bibi, the cheerful and bubbly baseball player who loved Mr. Bat more than anything. Colette had caused Bibi's father's death indirectly, leaving her an orphan.

They were all victims of Colette's cruelty and madness.

But they didn't know that. They didn't know anything about Colette's past or plan.

They didn't know that Colette wanted to destroy the world, because it took away the only thing she cared about.

Colette would burn down the world, just to feel some warmth.

She ran towards her room, leaving Edgar behind. She needed to think of a way to salvage her plan. She needed to make sure that Leon wouldn't tell Jessie anything. She needed to make sure that no one would find out her secrets.

She needed to act fast.

She reached her room and locked the door behind her. She threw herself on the bed and started laughing hysterically.

She was laughing and crying at the same time.

"Aunt Belle... I'm doing this for you." She whispered to herself.


A few minutes later, there was a knock on her door.

"Colette? What are you doing?" It was Max's voice.
She was followed by Surge and Edgar, who had caught up with her.

They were worried about Colette. They had heard her scream something about a code red and run away. They didn't know what it meant, but they wanted to help her.

They were good friends. They cared about Colette.

They didn't know that she didn't care about them at all.

"N-nothing at all!" Colette lied, quickly wiping her tears and putting on a fake smile. She opened the door and greeted them with a cheerful tone.
"You were crying," Edgar noticed, reaching out to touch her cheek with his thumb. He wanted to comfort her someway, somehow.
He didn't know that she hated him more than anyone else.
"Don't touch me!" Colette snapped, punching him in the face. She hated physical contact. It reminded her of how alone she was.
"Ow! What was that for?" Edgar complained, holding his nose.
"Don't mind him," Surge said, pushing Edgar aside.
"What's the problem, Colette?" Max asked, looking concerned.

"Well, uh..." Colette hesitated, trying to think of a lie that would convince them. She couldn't tell them the truth. She couldn't tell them that she was a psychopath and that her psychopathic plan was not going to work unless Leon didn't tell anything to Jessie.

She had to make something up. Something believable. Something that would make them do what she wanted.

"PIPER! Yeah, Piper! She's, well, uhh, saying bad things! Yeah! About Jessie and... Leon knows about it! And if Jessie comes to know this, she'll be homeschooled again! And, well, our plan will fail!" Colette blurted out, hoping that they would buy it.

She knew that they all had a common goal. They wanted to protect Jessie from Piper's wrath and wanted to keep Jessie in school with them.

They didn't know that Colette had a different goal.

"Piper? Ugh! She's so infuriating! I can't believe it!" Max exclaimed, clenching her fists.
"Calm down, Max. We need to figure something out." Surge said, trying to calm her down.

'They believed it. Perfect.' Colette thought, smiling inwardly.

She had them under her control. She had them where she wanted them.

She pretended to be worried and scared. She pretended to be their friend.

She told them what they needed to hear.

She told them that they had to stop Leon from telling Jessie anything. She told them that they had to distract Piper from spreading rumors. She told them that they had to stick together and trust each other.

She told them lies.

As the group of friends brainstormed ideas to fix the situation, Colette grinned.

She was one step closer to her goal.


*Meanwhile Bibi and Sandy*
Sandy: "ZzZz..."
Bibi: "Edgar I'm sorry but this idiot fell asleep on my shoulder, I can't come with you right now"
Edgar: "Just wake him up-"
Bibi: "Don't you even dare to touch him"
Edgar: "Ugh. Lovebirds."
Bibi: "WHAT-"

Welp, plot twist!
Colette is actually the antagonist, I'm surprised no one in the comments suspected her :>
Don't worry more drama will be coming soon!
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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