Chapter 17 - Shopping

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Max was ecstatic as she walked into the store with Surge. She adored shopping, especially for parties. She felt a surge of adrenaline and joy as she looked around at the colorful displays and shelves.

"WE ARE IN THE STORE LET'S GOOO!" she exclaimed, drawing the attention of several customers and staff.
"Max, act like a normal person who absolutely didn't just yell," Surge whispered, pulling her aside. "You're making a scene."
"Oops, I'm sorry," Max apologized, sheepishly. "I just got carried away."
"Let's just go and get what we need," Surge suggested, showing her a small piece of paper with a list of items. "We need some snacks and inflatable mattresses."
"Why the mattresses? I thought I told you that there was enough space for everyone in my room," Max questioned.
"Yeah, but I don't think that Sandy would share his bed with someone else, same with everyone else," Surge explained.
"You have a point, OH HOLD UP-" Max stopped mid-sentence as she spotted her favorite thing in the world.

Energy drinks. Lots of them.
'Is this heaven?'
she thought.

She didn't hesitate to grab as many as she could and dump them into the cart.

"Max! You can't buy them all!" Surge protested.
"Yes. Yes I can," Max declared, confidently.
"No. No you can't," Surge argued.
"Yes I can."
"No you can't."

Max decided to use an old trick to win the argument.

"No I can't."
"Yes you can- wait what?! Come on!" Surge realized too late that he had fallen for it.
"Thank youuu" Max said, smugly.

Surge laughed, then they resumed their shopping. They still had a party to organize.

Meanwhile, Jessie was still in her room sleeping. The showdown had really drained her energy, but fortunately it was Saturday morning so she could sleep as long as she wanted, even if she still had some work to do.

Leon, on the other hand, was having a walk in Brawltopia. He always liked walking around, it was very relaxing.
There were a few brawlers in the park, Leon knew almost everyone, but knowing a person didn't mean that you were friends with them.
He just waved at the people who greeted him and continued walking.
Sure it was nice and relaxing, but he was also bored. He wished he could hang out with more people. 

His phone suddenly rang. It was from Surge.

He wondered why Surge would call him on Saturday morning. He hoped it wasn't an emergency.
"Hello?" he answered.
"Hi Lizard boi," Surge teased.
"I'm a chameleon for Supercell's sake!" Leon snapped. He hated when Surge called him Lizard. He was not a lizard.
"Woah chill, just wanted to ask if you wanted to come to a sleepover," Surge invited.
Leon thought for a couple of seconds.
"Sure why not? Who else is coming?" he asked.
"Yeah, Jessie, Max, Bibi and Sandy. And obviously me and you," Surge replied.
"Wait- how can we all fit in one room?!" Leon exclaimed.
"Max's room is way bigger than everyone else's, since her roommate is Bea, who is a part of the student council. Plus we are buying some inflatable mattresses," Surge explained.
"Okay then. See you later!" Leon said.

"See ya!- MAX WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT PUTTING RANDOM STUFF IN THE CART?!" Surge yelled before hanging up.

Leon chuckled as he headed back to his room.
Jessie was awake now, working on something on her desk. She had a concentrated expression on her face.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Leon asked, peeking at what she was working on. It was a small robot.
"I'm repairing Peep, Nani said that it doesn't respond to the controller's commands," Jessie explained.
"Oh, I just wanted to let you know that Max and Surge invited us to a sleepover tonight," Leon informed.
"Sounds good, but now I need to finish this, Nani needs Peep for her showdown on Monday," Jessie said.

Guess who's back? Sorry guys for making you wait for so long for this part, if you still didn't know why you should chavj out the last chapter of my art book for all the explanations.
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you all for your patience, I'm trying to fix my schedule so I can hopefully update this book at least once a week.
Thank you again!

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