Chapter 32 - Get your revenge for me

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A little girl with red hair lying on the sidewalk, blood oozing from a wound on her head.
Her eyes were closed, but she was still breathing.

Somewhere in the shadows, a pair of glowing eyes watched the scene. 

Something, or someone, had gotten away with the horrible acts it committed again.


"Hey Jessie, are you okay? You've been kinda silent lately," her roommate Leon asked with concern.
He noticed that she looked pale and tired, and that she had dark circles under her eyes.

"Uh? Yeah, I'm fine!" Jessie lied, forcing a smile, as she didn't want to worry him.

She wasn't fine at all. She had nightmares very often, feeling almost as those images she saw every night were real.

"I can't sleep," she confessed, lowering her voice.
"I keep dreaming weird things and people... but I don't know who those faces belong to."

Leon felt a pang of sympathy for her. He knew how hard it was for her to cope with the loss of her memory. He was diagnosed with PTSD a long time ago, but has long forgotten everything that happend during the time of his trauma.
Memories that could not be remembered.
Things he sees that feel familiar, but couldn't exactly place them somewhere in his memory.

As if a piece was missing.

He wished he could do something to make Jessie feel better, so decided to try to cheer her up by inviting her for a walk around the campus, since it worked last time.

"Hey, why don't we go for a stroll?" he suggested casually. "It's a nice night, and maybe some fresh air will help you relax."

"I'm kinda tired, sorry... I don't feel like going out..." Jessie declined politely. She felt guilty for rejecting his offer, but she really didn't have the energy to take a walk.

She just wanted to curl up in her bed and forget about everything.

"Don't worry! I'll take a quick stroll and I'll be back soon!" Leon said cheerfully, hiding his disappointment.

He grabbed his hoodie and headed out of their dorm room, leaving Jessie alone.

He hoped that she would be okay.


"I'M NOT THE ONE WHO DID THIS! I SWEAR!" The woman shouted desperately as the police handcuffed her and shoved her into the car with force.

"Please listen! She didn't do it! She was at home with me and dad!" A little blonde girl cried out from behind the police tape. She tried to break free from the grip of her father who was holding her back. "Mommy! Where are the bringing you?!"

"Listen, they are taking me to another city, please, don't worry. I'm sure that you will make justice for me, I'm sure you will change the world. You are a brave girl Piper, you are destined to big things. But can you promise me something?" The woman said, trying to sound calm and confident.

Piper shakingly nodded.

"Get your revenge for me. Goodbye, Piper." The woman said, before the police shoved her head into the car.


As the moon shone on the school, Leon walked around the campus, trying to clear his mind. He felt restless and uneasy. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to help Jessie.

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