Chapter 33 - The Secrets of Jessie's Past

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The next day was a hard one for Leon.
He had spent the night tossing and turning in his bed, unable to sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about Jessie and her strange behavior. He wanted to know more about her, but he didn't know how to approach her.

He walked into the detention classroom and saw Colt and Shelly sitting at their desks, looking bored and restless. Shelly was humming a song under her breath, Colt was tapping his fingers on his desk, and Leon just stared at the ceiling. The teacher hadn't arrived yet, and the room was silent except for them.

Leon decided to break the ice and ask them about Jessie. He felt a surge of nervousness as he opened his mouth.

"Hey, guys... Can I ask you something?"
They both turned their heads to look at him. Shelly smiled warmly, while Colt frowned suspiciously.
"Sure, what's up?" Shelly said.

Leon took a deep breath and blurted out his question.

"So... are you going to tell me what happened or is happening to Jessie?"
The moment he said her name, the atmosphere changed. The tapping stopped and the humming ceased.

"Who are you to ask that? Are you one of Jessie's friends?" Colt narrowed his eyes and glared at Leon.

Leon pondered for a moment. Could he call himself Jessie's friend? They had shared some moments that made him feel close to her. They had gone for a late night walk together, visited a candy store together, and sat at lunch together every day. Was that enough to be friends?

"Of course I am. I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't concerned about her." He nodded confidently and said.
"Still, I don't think it's any of your business. Jessie's life is private, and she doesn't need strangers poking their noses into it." Colt looked unconvinced. He crossed his arms and said.

"Colt, stop being such an overprotective brother. He's not a stranger, he's your sister's friend." Shelly rolled her eyes and intervened.
"Yeah, yeah, I remember. But that doesn't mean he has the right to know everything about her." Colt sighed and rubbed his temples.
"Look, Leon is a nice guy. He cares about Jessie, just like we do. And maybe he can help her somehow. Don't you want that?" Shelly shook her head and said.
"I suppose I do. But it's not easy to talk about it." Colt hesitated for a moment, then nodded reluctantly.
"I know, Colt. But you don't have to do it alone. We're here for you." Shelly smiled and said.
"Thanks, Shelly. You're a good friend." Colt smiled back and said.

"Alright, fine. I'll tell you what happened to Jessie. But you have to promise me something." He looked at Leon and said.

"Anything." Leon nodded eagerly and said.
"You have to promise me that you won't judge her or pity her or treat her differently because of what I'm going to tell you." Colt firmly said.

"I promise." Leon nodded again and said.

Colt took a deep breath and began his story.

"You know about the Starr Park incident, right? The malfunction that killed so many people during that event?"
Leon nodded solemnly. He knew all too well about that incident.
"Yeah... my parents..." He felt a lump in his throat as he remembered that day.

He didn't need to say more. Colt and Shelly understood. They had been there too.
They had lost their parents too.

"You don't have to say it. I know how you feel. During the incident, our parents, Pam and Bull, didn't make it either." Colt said.
"But you know who else was there that day? Jessie." He looked at Leon and said.

Leon gasped. He hadn't known that Jessie had been at Starr Park too.

"Jessie ran away that day. She was so scared and confused that she just ran away from the scene. She didn't know where she was going or what she was doing. She just ran." He took a deep breath and said.
"It took us hours to find her. We searched everywhere, calling her name, hoping she was still alive. We were terrified that we had lost her too." Colt clenched his fists and said.
"But we found her. We found her in a nearby park, sitting on a bench, staring into space." He relaxed his hands and said. "But she didn't look like herself. She didn't look sad or scared or angry. She looked... relieved." He shook his head and said.

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