Chapter 49 - A Guilty Confession

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Edgar walked down the hallway, feeling the cold stares of the police officers behind him. He knew they hated him for being here, for wanting to see her. But he had to do it. 

He had to know why she did what she did.

He reached the end of the corridor, where a metal door stood. A guard opened it with a key and gestured for him to enter, as Edgar stepped inside, and the door slammed shut behind him.

He was in a small, dimly lit room, with a glass window on one side.
Behind the window, he saw her. Colette. She was sitting on a chair, wearing an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs.
Her white hair hair was messy, and her pale face was expressionless.
She looked like a doll, a broken doll.

Edgar walked up to the window and pressed a button on the intercom. He heard a click, and then her voice.

"Hello, Edgar! Fancy seeing you here!"

Her voice was calm, almost cheerful.
It made Edgar shiver.
He knew she was a psychopath, a murderer.
She had killed dozens of people, all connected to Starr Park.

During the latest showdown, when the door that lead to the showdown arena opened, he immediatly saw Leon and Rico leading the police and the paramedics inside, and when theu came out the paramedics escorted Colette out, with two officers following.

Colette had been arrested for causing the malfuncion, and, after further investigation, it turned out she was the responsible for everything.

The Starr Park tragedy.

Jessie's amnesia.

The attempted murders during the showdown.

It was all her fault.

But he had underestimated her. She had played him, used him, lied to him. She had never cared about him, only about her twisted mission. She had betrayed him, and he hated her for it.

All of this for a second time.

But he still wanted to know. He wanted to know what drove her to such madness. He wanted to know what made her tick.

"Hello, Colette. How are you feeling?" Edgar cleared his throat and spoke.

"I'm feeling fine, thank you! They gave me some pills to keep me calm. They're very nice here, don't you think?" She smiled, showing her white, sharp teeth.

Edgar felt a surge of anger. How could she be so casual, so indifferent, after what she had done? How could she act like nothing had happened?

He forced himself to stay calm. He had to play along, to get her to talk.

"Yes, they're very nice. They let me visit you, after all. They said you asked for me. Why did you do that, Colette?"
"Why not? You're my friend, Edgar. I wanted to see you. I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to tell you something." She tilted her head, as if puzzled.

Edgar felt a flicker of curiosity. What did she want to tell him? Was it a confession, a justification, a threat?

"What did you want to tell me, Colette?" He leaned closer to the window, trying to read her eyes.
She stared back at him, her eyes dark and empty. She said one word.


Edgar blinked. He didn't understand.

"Why what, Colette?"

She repeated the word, louder.


Edgar swallowed hard. He wanted to know, but he also feared the answer. He wondered if he could handle it, if he could bear to hear her twisted logic, but he was too far gone to back down now.
He decided to take the risk. He asked her the question.

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