Chapter 50 - Let's Brawl!

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Jessie was resting in the nurse office, peacefully reading a book about robotics on her bed, her robo dog Scrappy curled up next to her.
She felt a sense of accomplishment after finishing another chapter of her book, which explained the principles of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Outside of the window, the sun was still up, casting a warm glow over the campus. She really didn't have much to do now, since she was still recovering from the last event. She had barely escaped with her life after a showdown with Colette.

"Jessie! here you are!" Leon said, entering her room. His leg fully healed around two days ago, so he was back on his feet again. He had a friendly smile on his face and a bag of sweets in his hand.
"Well, I haven't move one inch," She replied, putting down her book and sitting up.
"I bought you some sweets!" Leon said, blushing slightly, handing them to her. They were her favorite kind, caramel-covered cookies with sprinkles.

"Aw thank you! Has anything new happend?" Jessie said, popping one of the sweets in her mouth. She loved the taste and texture of the candy, which melted in her mouth and gave her a burst of energy.

"Well, Max and Surge have been good... Oh! Piper has woken up from her coma!" Leon revealed.
"Piper has woken up from her coma?" Jessie repeated, surprised by the news.


The morning sun shone into Piper's face, as she opened her crystal blue eyes.
As soon as she gained conciousness, she groaned, feeling all of her muscles sore, so she decied to get up from her bed.

She immediately regretted that decision, as she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, and immediately realized that this wasn't her room, but she was in hospital.

"Piper! You're finally awake!" Rico's voice called, making her turn into his direction.

He rushed to her side, almost moved to see that she woke up.

"Rico? What is happening?" Piper asked, confused by the whole situation.

"Piper, you are in hospital, you've been in coma for... a few days to say the least. You've been shot during the showdown, it's a miracle you are still alive!" Rico cried.

"I've been shot...?" Piper asked, trying to recollect her memories.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Leon you would've probably not made it, but let's not think about that right now, you need to rest, you wound still hasn't fully healed" Rico said with concern.

"I-I see..." She said rememebering what happend before she passed out, and how her whole life passed in front of her eyes.

"Thank you Rico, for...begin by my side, I didn't treat you as good as I should've... Will you ever forgive me?" She said, thinking about how she pushed him in her attempt to kill Jessie.

Wait, Jessie!

"Wait! How is Jessie?" Piper suddently asked.

"Jessie? She's fine, but she is in the nurse's office at school because she passed out and is resting ever since, why do you ask?" Rico said rising an eyebrow.

Jessie is alive. Piper failed.


She looked over at Rico's face.

At this point does it even matter? She has hurt Rico, the only person who loves her unconditionally, and she almost got killed herself.

What if... She started to be normal?

"...It's nothing, don't worry. Thank you begin here by my side." Piper said with a faint smile.


"That's nice, i guess... Maybe I should talk to her about the whole situation when she gets better... What about Colette?" Jessie asked.

"She apparently got a life sentence, but not the death penalty, I have no idea how as she's a serial killer," Leon said with a frown.

"Hey there!" a voice from the door greeted.

"Max!- And Surge too! How are you guys?" Jessie said with a smile on her face, happy to see her friends.

"We're doing good! Just a bit sore from the injuries, but nothing crazy, we should be the ones asking you that!" Surge responded.

"I think we have news about that," Bibi interjected as she entered the room, dragging Sandy just behind her.

"Hi Bibi! You came just in time, what are these news?" Leon asked.

"Jessie, the nurse told us to tell you that your treatment as ended and that you can start brawling again" Bibi said, popping her signature pink bubblegum.

"Really?! Finally! My back was starting to ache from staying here all day," Jessie exclaimed, jumping out of her bed.

"Welp, do you guys wanna have a round of duo showdown?" Surge proposed.

"With all that has happend lately? Are you out of your mind?" Sandy complained, waking up. He had been sleeping on Bibi's shoulder, oblivious to the conversation.

"Well, we are brawlers after all, so you really  want to give up on it?" Max challenged him.

Everyone thought for a moment, until Jessie spoke.

"Max is right, we are brawlers, our destiny is to brawl, what would be life without it?" she said, her eyes shining with determination.

She looked around at her friends, who nodded in agreement. They all shared the same passion, the same thrill, the same joy of brawling. They had been through so much together, facing dangers, challenges, enemies, and even themselves. They had grown stronger, smarter, and closer as a team. They had also learned to respect and appreciate each other, despite their differences and conflicts.

"Despite everything, we can't give up now, can we? Who's with me?"

They all got up, feeling a rush of adrenaline, a spark of energy, a glow of joy. They grabbed their gear, their weapons, their gadgets, heading towards the door, ready to leave the nurse's office, ready to walk towards the showdown arena.

They all said, in unison, with a loud and clear voice, with a passionate and sincere voice, with a happy and grateful voice:

"Let's brawl!"

To all the friends I made along the way,
To all the people I met that have been part of my life,
To all the challenges and the hard times,
To all the nice and funny moments I've been part of,
To my parents who gave their lives for this,
To room 157 and Leon, for which I wouldn't be here without,

My mind is finally clear.

I'm sorry for not realizing sooner that this is my destiny as a brawler.

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