Chapter 9 - The fight

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Bibi hated math.
She hated it so much that she decided to skip the class and go to the rooftop, where she could be alone and away from the boring numbers and formulas.
She knew it was forbidden for students to go there, but she didn't care.
She was used to breaking the rules and getting away with it.

She walked up the stairs, passing by the first and second floors without any trouble.
The third floor, however, was a different story as that was where the teachers' offices and the student council room were located.
Only authorized people could access that floor, and Bibi was definitely not one of them.

She hoped no one would notice her as she sneaked towards the door that led to the rooftop. But her luck ran out when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Bibi, what are you doing? I think I already told you that you can't go on the third floor, at least not without an authorization." It was Amber, the president of the student council and Bibi's archenemy.

Bibi turned around and saw Amber standing in front of her, with a stern expression on her face.

"And then? What are you going to do to me? Set me on fire?" Bibi taunted. She knew Amber had a torch as her weapon, and she wasn't really afraid of it.
"Don't make me. Now you'll go in detention because I already warned you multiple times about not going there." Amber said coldly.
"I don't think so." Bibi said defiantly, she had no intention of going in detention.
"Bibi, I already warned you enough times. Now let's go if you don't want to get hurt." Amber was getting angry and students started to gather around them, curious about what was happening.
"I said that I don't want to come, can you understand this? I think it's simple." Bibi said sarcastically. She thought Amber was being ridiculous for making such a fuss about a stupid door.

"You don't want to come? Then I'll make you do it in the hard way." Amber said as she took out her torch. "Let's see who will win then."

Bibi smirked and got ready for the fight. She had her trusty Mr.Bat as her weapon, and she was confident in her skills. The other brawlers formed a circle around them, cheering and betting on the outcome.
The fight was intense and fast-paced. Bibi tried to hit Amber with her bat, while Amber tried to burn Bibi with her flames. They dodged and parried each other's attacks, until Bibi finally managed to land a blow on Amber's leg, making her fall to the ground.

"So I think I won." Bibi said proudly.

"You sure?" Amber said as she quickly got up and aimed her torch at Bibi's face. Before Bibi could react, a flame burned her cheek.
"Ouch!" Bibi yelled in pain. It hurt so much that she felt tears in her eyes.

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!" A loud voice interrupted the fight. It was Mrs. Rosa, the math teacher and the head of discipline.
Bibi didn't wait for an explanation. She just ran down the stairs, clutching her cheek.
She wanted to get away from everyone, especially from Amber.

Mrs. Rosa went in the middle of the circle of students.

"All of you now go to your class if you don't want detention. And you Amber are coming with me." She said coldly.

She then noticed Sandy and Leon leaving the scene.

"Sandy, wait! I need your help." She called out.
"Uhm, may I know why?" Sandy asked.
He was one of Mrs. Rosa's best students and he had nothing to do with the fight, so he was confused as Mrs. Rosa's request.
"You are one of my best students and I need your help with Bibi. She has never been a good student and I think you could help her." Mrs. Rosa explained.

Sandy was confused now. 'Why did she need my help with Bibi? She is not a friendly person.'

"I know it might be difficult but I hope you can make her at least respect the rules." Mrs. Rosa said as she sent Amber to the principal's office.
Amber walked away with a sad expression on her face. She had a lot of thoughts running through her mind. 'Do they want to expel me from the student council? Or worse from school?!'

She reached the principal Gale's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Gale said.
Amber entered nervously and sat down on a chair.
"Amber, I'm very disappointed in you." Gale said sternly.
Sandy waved goodbye to Leon and followed Mrs. Rosa.
'Great. Now I have to teach an half criminal how to be a good student.' Sandy thought. He wished he could just go back to his class and forget about the whole thing.

'Well, I better find her.'

I'll be less active because school and stuff is happening in my life, don't worry, I'll try write as much as possible, and since now I'll update 1 chapter every week (maybe sometimes there will be exceptions).
So thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed!

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