Chapter 31 - Sabotage plan for the sabotage plan

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"Hi Leon!"

The cheerful voice of Bea made Colette's eyes narrow.
She felt a surge of annoyance as she saw the honey-haired girl approach Leon, right as they were about to enter the shop.

"Colette, we have a problem." Edgar said through his walkie-talkie, noticing how Bea's presence was ruining their scheme.
"Should we chime in?" Bibi asked, popping her bubble gum loudly.
"Why. is. Bea. here? She told me she had to help someone today" Colette whispered into her walkie-talkie, feeling betrayed and angry.
"Here you go, Colette's losing it." Edgar commented with a chuckle. He knew how much Colette disliked Bea's interference.

Colette didn't reply. She was too busy watching how Bea greeted Leon with a smile, while Jessie looked annoyed and left out. Colette felt a pang of sympathy for Jessie and a burst of determination. She couldn't let Bea ruin her plan.

In a swift movement and a bit of struggling, the white-haired girl jumped off the tree and landed on the ground with a thud.
Edgar gasped and looked at her with wide eyes, seeing how her expression had changed from calm to frantic.

"My little and insignificant friend. I am leaving this situation to you for a while, don't you dare mess this up." Colette said to Edgar in a serious tone, before running towards the trio.

Edgar gulped and nodded, feeling nervous and excited. He didn't know what Colette was planning to do, but Colette is Colette and knowing her it would probably be something without much sense.

"HEY! BEA! OVER HERE!" Colette shouted as she reached where Leon, Bea and Jessie were.

"What?" Edgar said into his walkie-talkie.
"What?" Max and Surge said from their hiding spot behind the trash cans.
"What?" Sandy said, as Bibi chewed on her bubblegum.
"What?!" Piper said from her bench.
"What!?- Wait I need to film this!" Emz said from her spot.

The trio turned their heads towards Colette, who looked out of breath and panicked.

"Colette? What happened?" Leon asked with concern, recognizing her from their previous encounter.

"WE- NEED- YOU- AT SCHOOL-" Colette said, pretending to be exhausted. "FIGHT- AT SCHOOL" She added.

"Who's involved in the fight?!" Bea asked with worry in her voice. She was part of the student council, is what she was saying was true, there wasn't a second to spare.

"Uhh... Bibi! Y-yeah, she is fighting with... Sandy! Yes... Sandy!" Colette replied unsurely, making up a lie on the spot.

"I'll go there immediately" Bea said firmly, grabbing her backpack and phone.
She didn't want to leave Leon alone with Jessie, but she had a duty to fulfill.
School came first, then there were Piper's orders.

They both ran towards the park exit, leaving behind a confused Leon and Jessie.


Edgar realized that if Bea were to come back to school just to find out that nothing was wrong, their cover would be blown. He quickly contacted Sandy and Bibi through his walkie-talkie.

"Bibi, Sandy, go back to school now and make a scene."
"How are we supposed to do that?!" Sandy asked incredulously.
"Take the bus idiots! Go to the bus stop now!" Edgar ordered impatiently.
"Ugh, let's go Bibi"
"wh-" The line was cut off as Sandy dragged Bibi away from the park.


Piper groaned loudly as she saw Bea running out of the park through her newspaper.

"Why is the world against me?!" She exclaimed, slamming her fist on the bench.
She was the mastermind behind Bea's plan, and she had arranged everything to make sure Leon would stay away from Jessie.
She wanted to use Bea as a pawn to get rid of Jessie, but semething always comes up.

"Calm down babe, everything's alright." Rico said, holding her hand. He was sitting next to her, trying to calm her down. He was Piper's boyfriend after all, and he loved her despite her obsession with perfection.
"It's not! my second plan just failed! You know everything mustn't be alright, it must be perfect." The blonde girl said, crossing her arms. She hated failure and uncertainty.

"Shh- you don't have to worry anymore about all that "be perfect" stuff, you have to be happy, not perfect" Rico said softly, kissing her cheek. He knew how much pressure Piper felt from everyone and herself.
"I know, I know... I just don't want to let my father down" Piper replied with a frown. She wanted to make him proud of her achievements.
"He's in another city now, you don't have to worry- what about we take a stroll near the beach? Maybe it'll help you take your mind off all of this!" Rico suggested, smiling gently.
"...sure" Piper agreed with a smile. She trusted Rico and she knew he wanted the best for her.

"What about us?" Emz asked throughher phone.
"You're all dismissed." Piper said, ending the phone call.


"Bea was quite rude, don't you think?" Jessie asked Leon as they entered the candy shop. The bell above the door rang cheerfully, but Jessie felt anything but cheerful.

"Kind of, she ignored you completel- woah..." Leon stopped talking as he saw the variety of candies that filled the shelves of the shop. His eyes sparkled with excitement and curiosity.
He loved sweets and he wanted to try them all.

"Take all that you'd like, I'll pay for it" Jessie said, leaning against the wall. She wanted to impress Leon with her generosity and kindness.

And, like a little child, Leon started choosing all different types of candies, as Jessie giggled and looked out of a window.

From there it was possible to see a sign:

"Starr Park! The place you'd never want to leave!"

Jessie held her head to stop a painful shard of memory from emerging into her mind.

Honestly she didn't even want to remember.


Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed!
I'll try to have a better updating schedule for this book, since it's been ongoing for more than a year ^^"
Here are hinted some details from Piper and Jessie's backstory, the last one mentioned will have some possible triggering topics, but I'll put a warning in it.
Thank you so much for 17K+ views on this book! You don't know how much it means to me, this became one of the most viewed fanfictions about Brawl stars here on Wattpad and I have to thank all of you for this goal! <3<3

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