Chapter 12 - Hunting Piper down challenge

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The final class of the day was about to begin: the solo showdown.
It was a test of survival and skill, where every brawler had to fend for themselves in a large arena filled with boxes, walls and bushes.
The only way to gain an edge was to collect power cubes, either by breaking boxes or defeating other brawlers.

Leon felt a knot in his stomach as he prepared for the showdown. He shuddered at the thought of what Piper might do to Jessie if he lost. He absolutely couldn't let that happen.

He looked around and saw his friends Max, Surge and Jessie cheering him on. Jessie was especially nervous, since she was the main target of Piper's harassment. Leon wished he could find Sandy, his other friend, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Okay, everyone, listen up!" Mrs. Rosa, their teacher, announced. "I'm going to do a head count to make sure you're all here."

She called out their names one by one, and they raised their hands: Leon, Jessie, Max, Sandy, Surge, Piper, Bea, Amber, Spike and Colette.

"Good. Now follow me to the showdown field. And remember: there are no teams, no allies, no mercy. Only one brawler will emerge victorious. Good luck!"

They all walked into the field, which was a large squared arena surrounded by high walls. There were boxes scattered around, some in plain sight and some hidden behind walls or bushes.
Leon obviously knew that each box contained a power cube.

"Every brawler for themselves! 1...2...3... BRAWL!" A loudspeaker boomed over the field.

Leon quickly ran towards a box that was near him and smashed it with his blade. A blue cube popped out and he grabbed it.
"I need more of these if I want to win,'" he thought.
He looked around for another box, but he didn't see any nearby. He decided to hide in a bush and wait for an opportunity to strike.

Jessie also ran towards a box that was close to her and broke it. She picked up the power cube and felt a surge of energy.
"Now I have a chance," she thought.

Piper sniped a box from afar with her rifle and watched it explode. A power cube rolled towards her and she picked it up.

"Now I'm ready," she thought.
She decided to find Leon and make him pay.

The showdown began in earnest as brawlers started to encounter each other.

"Spike has been eliminated by Amber!" Leon heard the loudspeaker announce.

He peeked out of his bush and saw Amber running towards him, leaving a trail of fire behind her. She had four power cubes, while he had only one.
"Oh no, she's coming this way!" he worriedly thought.
He quickly activated his gadget and created a clone of himself. The clone ran out of the bush and towards Amber, while Leon stayed hidden.
Amber saw the clone and thought it was Leon. She turned around and shot a blast of fire at it, destroying it instantly.
"Ha! Gotcha!" she exclaimed.
Leon seized the opportunity and ran away from his bush, hoping to find a safer spot.

"Bea has been eliminated by Sandy!" The loudspeaker announced.

Leon was surprised to hear that Sandy was awake and participating. He wondered where he was hiding.
He found another bush and hid in it, hoping that no one would find him.

"Amber has been eliminated by Piper!"
"Spike has been eliminated by Colette!"

The showdown reached its climax as the remaining brawlers clashed with each other.
Leon heard a gunshot behind him and felt a sharp pain in his back, fell to the ground and groaned.
"Ugh, what was that...?" he muttered.
He turned around and saw Piper standing over him with a smug grin on her face. She had six power cubes, while he had only one.

"I think you lost the bet, Leon. Now say goodbye~" she said, aiming her rifle at his head.

Leon felt a wave of despair wash over him. He closed his eyes and waited for the end.
But then he heard another voice: "Oh, I wouldn't be so sure."

He opened his eyes and saw Max standing behind Piper. She had nine power cubes, while Piper had six.
"Who is–" Piper started to say, but before she could finish, Max shot her in the back with a blast of energy, sending her flying across the field.
"I think you needed a little help, chameleon boy," Max said, walking towards Leon and helping him up.
"Thank you so much, I owe you a big favor," Leon said, feeling a rush of gratitude. He had just been saved by his friend from certain doom.
"Nah, what kind of hero leaves the villain win? But anyway, I think I won the 'hunting Piper down' challenge," Max said, smiling.
"Yeah you did, now it's better for me to go, I don't wanna get killed by someone else," Leon said, smiling back.

Max waved at him and ran away.

"Piper has been eliminated by Max!"

As Jessie heard the loudspeaker announce that, she felt a burst of joy. Piper had been defeated by her friend and protector. She had just been saved from a terrible fate.

"Thank you so much, Max! You're amazing!" she shouted from her bush, hoping that Max would hear her.

"There are still 5 brawlers remaining"

Sorry if I updated this book so late! I created 2 other books and I was a little busy uploading them.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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