Chapter 38 - Love letters

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The following morning Colette walked around the school garden, feeling frustrated and angry. She had spent her afternoon trying to get Leon and Jessie together, but her plan had failed yesterday because of Piper. Colettewas going to make sure that Leon and Jessie would get into a relationship, and she hated Piper for ruining her carefully planned date because of her stupid plans.

She plopped down on a bench and scratched her head, looking for a new plan. She dug out her scrapbook from her backpack and scanned the pages. It was a treasure trove of stuff related to Leon and Jessie: sneaky photos, cheesy stickers, silly drawings, and mushy notes. She had documented every encounter they had, every grin they flashed, every signal they sent. She was convinced that they were a match made in heaven. (Well, she wasn't the one who documented everything, she had blackmailed Edgar into this).

She came across a page where she had doodled a letter with a heart-shaped seal. Just a simple doodle, and she had written "Leon + Jessie = Love" next to it. She looked at the small drawing and got an idea.

She decided to write a letter and put it in Jessie's locker, pretending to be Leon. She hoped that Jessie would read the letter and realize that Leon liked her back, and then they would finally get together. Colette smiled to herself, feeling confident that her plan would work this time.

With a notebook and a pen in her hands, she sat down to write the letter. She wanted to make it seem like it was written by Leon, but she struggled to find the right words. How could she convey his thoughts and feelings? How could she make it sound authentic and sincere?

Just then, she saw Surge and Edgar walking towards her, and they were seemingly arguing about something.

"No dude! You can't just give a thumbs down to everyone you defeat!"
"Pfft- that's rich coming from you!-"

Colette waved at them and called them over, and they jumped from the sudden noise.

"Hey, Colette. What are you doing?" Surge asked.

"Hi, guys. I need your help with something," Colette said.

"What is it?" Edgar asked.

"I'm trying to write a love letter to Jessie from Leon!" She happily exclaimed.
Colette showed them the letter she had written so far. It read:

"Dear Jessie,
I like you a lot. You are very pretty and smart and nice. I want to be your boyfriend. Do you want to be my girlfriend?
Love, Leon."

Surge and Edgar looked at the letter and then at each other. They tried not to laugh, but they couldn't help it.

"Colette, this is terrible," Edagr said.
"Yeah, this doesn't sound like Leon at all," Surge said.
"What do you mean? This is exactly how he feels about Jessie!" Colette said.
"Maybe, but he would never say it like this," Surge said.
"Then how would he say it?!" Colette asked.
"Well, for starters, he wouldn't use the word 'love'. He would say something like 'I really like you' or 'You're awesome'," Edgar said.
"And he wouldn't ask her to be his girlfriend right away. He would say something like 'Do you want to hang out sometime?' or 'Can we pass some time together?'" Surge said.
"And he wouldn't compliment her so much. He would say something like 'You're cool' or 'You're funny' or 'You're good at Brawl Ball," Edgar said.
"So basically, he would say less and be more casual," Colette said.
"Exactly," Edgar said.

Colette sighed. She realized that her letter was too cheesy for Leon. She needed to make it more boyish and casual. She asked Surge and Edgar to help her rewrite the letter, and they agreed.

They worked together for a few minutes, crossing out words and adding new ones. Colette finally came up with a new version of the letter that read:

"Dear Jessie,
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You're the best.,
Do you share my feelings too?
Maybe we can start something new.
Just us, me and you?
Yours truly, Leon"

Colette looked at the letter and nodded. She thought it sounded more like Leon now.

Her dreams were soon shattered.

"WHY DID YOU MAKE IT A POEM?" Surge and Edgar exclaimed.
Colette quickly tore the page from her notebook and started scribbling again.

"Hi Jessie,
You're amazing. You have the best sense of humor in the world. You're brilliant, funny and good at brawl ball. I adore you. Do you feel the same way? Maybe we can spend some time together. Just the two of us. How about it?
Your admirer (and hopefully more), Leon"

"That's more like it!" Surge said.
"Yeah, sounds like something Leon could say." Edgar affirmed.

She thanked Surge and Edgar for their help, and folded the letter neatly.

She got up from the bench and headed towards the school building. She planned to put the letter in Jessie's locker before the first class started. She hoped that Jessie would find the letter and reply to Leon soon.

She smiled to herself, feeling confident that her plan would work this time.

She cautiously made her way to Jessie's locker, keeping an eye out for any potential witnesses. She didn't want to get caught in the act. She reached the locker and pulled out a hair pin from her bun. She inserted it into the lock and twisted it gently until she heard a click. She opened the locker and smiled.

And slipped the letter inside.

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