Chapter 24 - Eavesdropping

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Bibi checked her watch and saw that it was almost midnight, realizing she had to get back to her dorm before the curfew, or she would be in trouble.

She sneaked through the dark corridors, hoping no one would notice her.

She was almost at her room when she bumped into two familiar figures: Surge and Sandy.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" she whispered, surprised to see them.
Sandy quickly covered her mouth and shushed her.
"Quiet! We're spying on something," he said, pointing to the corner.
Bibi followed their gaze and saw Colette and Max sitting on the floor, chatting.

'Don't tell me one of them has a crush on Colette or Max' She thought sarcastically.

She joined Surge and Sandy behind the wall and eavesdrop their conversation.
"...And third, I want to help Leon and Jessie get together because Leon used to have a crush on Jessie, and I think he still does, and I want him to be happy, and MaybeBecomingHisFriendAndBePopularLikeHimSoThatIWillBeAbleToCollectEverythingAboutEveryone," Colette rambled.
Bibi couldn't believe her ears. 

Was this some kind of prank?

"Colette," Max interrupted her. "Can I help you with this?"
Everyone gasped.
Colette's eyes widened.
"Really? You want to help me?" she asked excitedly.
"Yeah, sure. Why not? It sounds like fun," Max said casually.
Max actually just wanted to know the so called ''truth''.
"So, are we on for tomorrow?"
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you so much, Max! You're the best!" Colette hugged her and then let go.

They got up from the floor and started walking away from the corner where Bibi, Surge and Sandy were hiding.
"We need to get out of here!" Surge whispered urgently.
He saw that Max was heading their way and he didn't want to be caught spying on her.
Surge grabbed Bibi and Sandy by their arms and dragged them away from the scene. He ran so fast that they barely had time to react. 

In a matter of seconds, they were on the second floor of the dorm building, far away from Max and Colette.
"Wow, you're really fast," Sandy commented as he fixed his hair. He was impressed by Surge's speed.
"It's part of being a superhero," Surge said modestly.

"What just happened?" Bibi asked, confused. "Why did I get involved in this mess?"
"You were curious, like us," Sandy said defensively.
"Well, this was unexpected," Bibi said sarcastically. "Colette wants to play matchmaker for Leon and Jessie? And Max agreed to help her? What's going on?"
"Hey, hey, hey! Calm down, you two! We don't have time to argue. We need to figure out what's going on," Surge said, trying to mediate.
"Oh, please. You're just as clueless as we are. And spying them was your idea!" Sandy snapped at Surge.
"Excuse me? I'm not naive. I'm optimistic, plus Max has been acting strange lately, I had to investigate!" Surge retorted.

Sandy took a step towards Surge, ready to argue more. But he tripped over Surge's foot and lost his balance. 

He fell forward...

...And landed his lips on Bibi's.

There was a moment of absolute silence. 

Bibi? Stunned by the sudden kiss, unable to react.
Sandy? Terrified by what he had done, expecting Bibi's wrath.
Surge? Shocked by what he had witnessed.

The silence was broken by a loud slap that echoed through the hallways.

"Get off me!" Bibi yelled at Sandy, who now had a red mark on his cheek.
He scrambled away from her as fast as he could.

"Shut up! Don't ever mention this again!"

Bibi cleared her throat and tried to act normal.
"So, what were you saying about Colette and Max?" She turned to Surge and asked.
Surge snapped out of his daze and repeated what they had heard earlier.
"That sounds ridiculous. But if Max is willing to join Colette's crazy scheme, there must be a reason behind it..." Bibi said thoughtfully.
"Why don't we ask her?" Sandy suggested timidly, still feeling embarrassed by the kiss.
"YOU DON'T GET TO TALK! But your idea is not bad," Bibi admitted reluctantly. 

"Fine then. Let's go 'interview' her about this," Bibi decided, and marched towards Max's room, followed by the two boys.

Phew! Another chapter done!
I know the "tripping and kissing the other person cliché" is pretty overused and doesn't make much sense, but I liked it and wanted to satisfy a bit the Sandy×Bibi shippers, since I love that ship myself.
I also wanted to thank you for 7K views! I'm glad you're liking this book!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye!

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