Chapter 5 - Detention

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The four students were sitting in a gloomy classroom, waiting for their detention to end.
The teacher who was supposed to watch over them was snoring on his desk, oblivious to their boredom and frustration.

Max decided to break the silence.
She looked at her friends with curiosity and asked, "So, how did you guys get detention?"

Leon, who was sitting next to her, shrugged.
He said, "Well, in biology class we were supposed to observe how chameleons change color in different environments. But I thought it would be more fun to let them out of their cages and see what happens. The whole class went into chaos as the chameleons blended with the walls, the desks, and even the students. Mrs. Rosa was furious and dragged me here."

Max chuckled and said, "That sounds hilarious. What about you, Jessie?"

Jessie, who was sitting across from her, sighed.
"In English class we were reading a boring story about some guy who follows a ballon and became a ghost. Piper, accused me of throwing a paper ball at her with rude words on it. I didn't do it, of course, but the teacher believed her and gave me detention." She said.

Max frowned and said, "That's not fair. Piper is such a liar. Me and Surge both got detention because we disobeyed Mr.P's orders. He told us not to leave the school grounds without permission, but we heard that there was a monster in Super City and we wanted to help. We managed to stop the monster, but we also caused a lot of damage and arrived late for our classes."
Surge, who was sitting next to Jessie, nodded.

Jessie nodded and said, "That makes sense. You guys are awesome heroes. Anyway, I'm feeling sleepy. Wake me up when detention is over, okay?"
Leon wrapped his arm around her shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Jessie. I'll wake you up!"

She closed their eyes and drifted into sleep.

"N-no th-this can't be true! Colt tell me it isn't true!"
"J-Jessie I'm sorry, but it's n-not a lie..."
Colt said, trying to hold back his tears.
"N-no! I-it must be a lie! M-mum and dad will come back soon!"
I shouted. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"S-sorry Jessie, but they aren't. P-please let's go home now."

I run as fast as I can.
I run away, I just don't want to believe it.
I just don't want to belive that they died.

Jessie woke up with a start and saw Max's worried face next to her.
"W-what happened?" she asked.
"You were crying in your sleep. You had another nightmare, huh?" Max said.
"Y-yes, thank you for waking me up." she said.

She got up from her seat and grabbed her backpack.
Scrappy, her metal dog that she had created with her skills, followed her closely.

"Hey Jessie!"
She turned around and saw Sandy waving at her from the hallway.
"Hi Sandy!" She smiled at him and said.
"Where were you? I searched for you all over the school!" he asked.
"Detention, Piper blamed me for throwing a paper at her." she said.
"I hate that girl, anyway, do you want to study together?" Sandy said.
"Sure!" she said.
"Let's go."

They walked towards the library together.

Leon watched Jessie and Sandy walk away, talking and laughing. He felt a surge of anger and jealousy in his chest.

He didn't know why.

They looked like a perfect couple, even though they were just friends.
Or were they?
He decided to find out.

He turned invisible and followed them to the library.

They picked some books and sat at a table and started to study, but they also joked and teased each other.
They looked so comfortable and relaxed with each other.
He felt a pang of pain in his heart.

Suddently he felt someone poking his shoulder, so he turned around and saw Shelly standing behind him.
"Sorry, but I need to take a book right here." She said.
"Oh, sorry," he said, moving out of the way.
She grabbed a book from the shelf and walked away but not before she looked back at him and said,

"By the way, stalking is illegal." She winked at him and left.

He felt embarrassed and angry. How did she see him? Did she have some kind of power that could detect invisible people? Or did she just guess?

As thousands of questions filled his head, he decided to leave the library and go back to his dorm.

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