Chapter 26 - He once was a normal kid

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"Edgar, I need you to prepare me the material for the meeting while I'm helping Mr.P tomorrow afternoon." Colette said to her 'assistant' in a commanding tone.
She didn't bother to look at him or thank him for his work. She just tossed him a folder with some papers and turned off the lights and then crawled into her bed and closed her eyes, leaving Edgar speechless in the dark.

"W-what?" He stuttered out, clutching the folder in his hands.
He felt anger and resentment towards Colette.
'How can she be that selfish?!' He thought, trying to sleep, but he couldn't. He kept thinking about what would happen if he touched Colette's stuff again. He shuddered at the memory of the last time he did that.

He once was a normal kid.
There was nothing special about him, he was just a child who liked staying alone on top of a tree. He enjoyed reading books and watching birds from his favorite spot.
But he was also lonely, he didn't have any friends at his school, but he tried to make some.
He tried to talk to other kids, but they ignored him or made fun of him. He felt like he didn't belong anywhere.

One day, he went to his usual tree after school. He hoped to find some peace and quiet there. But as he was walking to his special spot, he stumbled upon something, or rather someone's foot to be exact.

"Ouch! Watch where you're going!" A feminine voice snapped.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Edgar apologized quickly. He looked up and saw a girl with white hair and blue eyes staring at him angrily.
"Don't worry, I'm fine, it was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going..." He said nervously, dusting himself off.
"I'm Colette by the way!" The girl said suddenly, changing her expression to a friendly smile. She stuck out her hand for him to shake.
"I'm Edgar." He said softly, taking her hand.
"Wanna hang out? If you have nothing better to do..." Colette asked casually.
"Of course! I'd love to!" Edgar exclaimed, feeling happy that someone wanted to be his friend.

As the days went by, things started to get a bit... weird. Colette would ask Edgar to do strange things for her, like spying on other people or stealing their belongings.

"Why are we here?" Edgar asked one day, while the duo was hiding behind a bush near the school playground.
"See that boy over there?" Colette pointed at a blond-haired boy who was playing soccer with his friends.
Edgar nodded.
"Can you snap a few pictures of him, please?" She asked with puppy eyes.
"Why? Isn't spying bad...?" Edgar hesitated.
"He is ummm... My crush!" She whispered in his ear.
"Okay..." Edgar did as he was told, feeling uncomfortable. He handed Colette his phone and she transferred the pictures to hers. She then put them in a small notebook that she always carried with her.

And it continued, again and again. Every time Colette made up some lies to make Edgar do as she asked. But Edgar thought that it was a normal thing that friends do due to his lack of social experience. He trusted Colette and wanted to make her happy.

Until he had enough.

One day Colette invited him over to her house.

"We can do anything there! Just don't go into my room, it's really... messy." The white-haired girl said as they entered her home.
'She's hiding something.' Edgar thought suspiciously.
"I need to go to the restroom, I'll be right back!" She said quickly and ran upstairs.
'It's my chance! Now or never!' Edgar thought and followed her secretly. He found Colette's room easily because of all the stickers that were on her door.

He opened the door and gasped.

The room was a mess like Colette said, but the walls, the floor and the furniture were all covered with other brawlers' objects. There were posters, photos, clothes, toys and even hair samples of different people. On her desk there were at least five notebooks, all identical but with different names written on them.

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